The Lukim Letters 3/29/98

The Haven
Published in
Oct 20, 2020


Breaking into show biz — 90s style

Back in the 1990s,

there was a super famous, super elusive, super mysterious legendary producer that went by one name, Lukim. Lukim was so mysterious (don’t try to Google him, he’s THAT mysterious) he would never allow anyone to see him in person. All correspondence had to be done through the now-forgotten art of letter writing.

As a young actor in Hollywood,

I tried to locate Lukim many times but was unable to find contact information for him. Recently, I was rummaging through a thrift shop in the valley, and I discovered a box of letters. To my delight, they were letters between Lukim and a young actress, who signed her letters, with only the initials C.T.

I purchased the box of letters for $1.45 and scanned them.

And now, for the first time, I am sharing them with you.

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The Haven

I act, art & write! Memoir, fiction, poems, original art. For direct Friday creative gifts from me, subscribe here: