bouillion operators

Minutes from the Boolean Consortium Meeting

8/14/2013 1:18pm, Tokyo Buffet in Secaucus, NJ

Jenn Schiffer
CSS Perverts
Published in
1 min readAug 19, 2013


Roll call is taken.

Nick is here.
Jenn is here.

Jenn opens up the table for discussion on ideas for Boolean operators. She wants to know if there is an “and/or” operator in JavaScript.

Nick says that there is none and it would not make sense anyway.

Jenn says there should be one. She proposes the &| syntax.

Voting is opened for “and/or” &| operator:
Yay: 2
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0

Jenn suggests an “and whatnot” operator.

Nick looks at her like maybe he should never have let the NBA hire her.

Jenn proposes the &?! syntax.

Voting is opened for “and whatnot” &?! operator:
Yay: 2
Neigh: 0
Abstinence: haha nope

Nick proposes a “why” operator. “Like, why?”

Jenn agrees.

Minutes taken by both members of the Boolean Consortium.

