I Read (half) a Blog Today

Jenn Schiffer
CSS Perverts
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2014


Let me tell you what I think.

I read half of a blog post today and, boy, am I feeling emotions about it! There was just something about it, something said in it by the blogger, that made me change what I was thinking about or feeling and focus my brain on what they were saying. Naturally, I feel compelled to write a response.

The first thing about the blog I read was that it said a thing. I can not say for sure whether I agree with it or not, but I do know that I have something to say about it. And I am not sure what I am going to say, but I am certainly going to say it anyway. So here it goes:

Right now I am thinking about the part of the blog post I just read.

So, I think it is important that the blogger in questions understands that what they wrote has triggered something in me that is in no way forcing me to make this response, but I am definitely making it anyway. They may like it, not like it, or even read it, but someone will, maybe. I will, at the very least. Or I probably won’t, because it is important that my thoughts about this blog post end up visible to the public as soon as possible. And I know that as soon as my emotions or ideas become text on screen, I will have done my job as a blog reader and person who has feelings about content someone else posts on the Internet.

It is important to me that you know I feel this way about this content.

In the future, I would hope that the blogger will see that I may have feelings about what they write and perhaps change their perspectives and ideas to fit my own, regardless of whether they even know me or my perspectives or not. Even if they manage to do this, though, I will most likely respond again in an aggressive manner. See, aggression is a sign that I have a feeling about a thing, the thing being the blog they wrote. I feel like everyone needs to know this.

And to be quite honest, I have feelings about whether they do know this already or not as well.

Jenn Schiffer feels like you may feel something about this.

