Why I feel like shifting to IOS

Maybe it’s time for the change

Mrinal Bhatt
Cool Things and Stuff


Pretty much all my life I have been an android user. I started off with the classic Nokia with the snake and the bounce game on it [oh the good old days], then went on to have an iPhone 2g; which i sold for a really good retail price, moving on to Htc diamond, Galaxy Ace and finally stopping myself with an Htc One(M7). Now I have spent almost 1.5 years with the phone and I'm not complaining anything about. It has to be one of the most beautiful state of art phone I have ever seen. I mean the features are amazing, the screen size so much better than the iPhone, faster and more space….I mean why not this phone. But over the years with my experience with android I have realized that keeping up with it is just too much pain!

I do own a black 32 gb Htc One

With this phone that I have, I must have at least switched from over 10-15 Roms [ custom OS ], and every other day there's a new Rom out like the CM11, MIUI, ASOP, PAC-ROM, with better features, more improvement and blah blah…all these have something new to offer all the time, and it gets tempting too try them all, it becomes hard for a person to stick to one, specially for me cause I just love to try them all. And now with the new Sense 6 out for M8 [ improvement of Htc One M7] there have been so many Roms flooding with the port….it gets hard to decided which one to stay loyal to. Also on the back of your head if you are doing this for the first time, you always have this thing going on “What if I brick my phone?” or “What if it gets stuck on a boot-loop?” cause the thing with android is you have to be sure of what you doing and what you downloading for your phone…if your flash [ most common term used among us people ] the wrong file…basically your phone is jacked. Either you will have to do a clean install; i.e removing everything and starting from the scratch or you will have to replace it.

Now I’m not saying android is bad or its a wrong decision…no never! Android is nearly, nearly so much better than IOS, I mean you can get third-party apps, you can dual-boot, you can hack using it, so many possibilities; but then why do I feel the need to shift from it? And I’m pretty sure there are many people among us who would or who have been thinking about it. And I will you 3 simple reasons for it to clarify your doubts.

Settings Screen

The simple interface. Straight logic…like 2+2=4. Cause when you use and android your find that there’s no.……….singularity or uniformity. Yes you do get use to of it, but what if someone whats to use your phone? People will take time; whereas this is not the case with IOS.


The simple homepage…no widgets or app-drawer..so when you install an app, bam straight to your screen. And this is what I found seems to be a very good option. You don’t have to really manage much around..android has this feature but that’s with custom launchers and everything. Now that’s something I wish apple has though.


And of course if you think you will miss the fun customizing and all the goodies that you had on your android…whats jailbreak for!

I use to have an iPod Touch and jailbreaking made it so much fun!! You get the themes, the widgets, the apps…you wont miss your android and still have the Apple simplicity.

What I’m concluding here? well if you do wanna shift go for it, specially if you have been a long time android user, cause to be honest later on you lose that interest to customize or switch your Rom and everything, you just want to stick with something stable, something that's good looking and not heavy enough to mess your brain. Honestly if the iPhone 6 has a bigger screen I’m switching to it. And if you have been an Apple fan-boy who love apple products..you can definitely go and use android, you might just love it..trying something new is always good.

