A Letter to God’s Prodigal Son

Anna Serwa Addei
Unconventional Ghanaians
3 min readJan 7, 2016


Hello Jesus’ Step Brother,

I can’t tell you how excited I am to write to you. I have a thousand questions to ask about your father and step brother but in the spirit of unconventionalness (which may or may not include making up this word depending on how you look at it), I am going to make this as brief as possible.

I promise, I am not just trying to claim likeness to the step brother of one of the most spoken about gentlemen to walk this earth (referring to Jesus, if you are wondering), but like you, I detest flies. Why do they have to buzz so annoyingly anytime they come around? Seeing that the creatures they seek to harass are quite substantially larger than them, wouldn’t it be wiser for them to emulate the ant and keep it down? Apparently however, the buzzing sound is produced when they beat their wings against each other while flying so asking them to tone it down will be asking them to go against their very nature.

I dare not, and by this, make not an attempt to offer an answer to the questions you pose about your father’s redemption plan on His behalf, after all since you are family, you can very well ask Him for answers which I’m sure He will gladly give (Matthew 7:7, Jeremiah 29:13). However, against my usual urge to keep silent about talk with regards to your father’s way of doing things (making this post unconventional to this Ghanaian), I would like to offer a few thoughts based on the little (very little) I happen to know.

“Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” — ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:7‬

“You will seek me, and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart.” — Jeremiah‬ ‭29:13‬

You see, like asking the annoying little flying creature to be itself without buzzing, asking God to perhaps blink and redeem people from their sins is asking Him to go against His very nature; His word (John 1:1). Long ago when God brought His chosen people, Israel, out of slavery, He gave them statutes which they were to abide by. Statutes which He promised he would never go against. One of these happened to be that blood had to be shed before sins were forgiven. In Leviticus 17:11, He explains that the life of every creature is in it’s blood, thus, in order to give back life which is spiritually take away by sin (Romans 6:23), the only viable tool to be used is blood. I believe that if your step brother had as little as a hunch that the blood of animals would be sufficient to this day, He wouldn’t have made any considerations about leaving His father’s side to join us down here. However, seeing that it wasn’t, and knowing that His blood was sufficient, He did the unthinkable and seemingly irrational and gave His life for ours. After all, knowing His father, it was silly to think He would back on His word (against His nature) and simply change the way sins should be atoned just because the blood of animals was not as perfect of a solution.

Kindly keep in mind that this is not an attempt to answer on His behalf but just to share a few thoughts.


Your stepsister.

P.S. I wouldn’t mind at all if you could send a bite of the calf your father killed when you returned home.

