GIFs, Dancing Swans and the Importance of Having Fun đź‘Ż

Za'e Johnson
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2016

We’re big believers in making time for a little fun at work, it boosts moral and breaks up the working day.

Our silly antics help drag ourselves away from our computer screens for at least 15-minutes and when we’re done we head back to our desks in a better mood. 👍

It’s important to have fun at work, and working towards embedding a little merriment into your company culture is no bad thing, any day of the week.

Dancing to Swan Lake, and other GIFs

Anyway, the real reason for this blog post? Silly GIFs.

In honour of #WorldBalletDay, Fran, Sam and myself created our own Cooper Press production of Swan Lake… when actually we just wanted a reason to be extra silly after our morning of working hard to Disney songs.

During our dress rehearsal, we decided to call our production Clive Lake after our beloved company logo. Yup, the Owl in the Cooper Press logo has a name — say hi to Clive.

So without further ado, I give you Clive Lake đź‘Ż (in gif form):

The big reveal
Watch out for the filling cabinet Fran!
Graceful AF 🔥
Take a bow, ladies.

We’re avid users of GIFs in the workplace — if you’re not taking yourself too seriously they can prove rather handy, especially in our company Slack channels.

All of the GIFs you see above are embedded via the great GIF search platform, Giphy.

We’ve just started sharing all our fun, silly office moments on our new Giphy Channel.

We hope this silly little post encourages you to share a little bit of silliness from your workplace.

For more behind the scenes looks at Cooper Press Headquarters, beyond the GIF, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

