How we collect and curate the links for our email newsletters (video)

Chris Brandrick
Published in
1 min readApr 4, 2016

Cooper Press sends weekly email newsletters packed with interesting and relevant links and articles found by our curators and editors.

Our publications include JavaScript Weekly, HTML5 Weekly and Ruby Weekly to name just a few. Combined, our newsletters reach over 300,000 subscribers every week.

In the short video below, our Publisher-in-Chief Peter Cooper explains how our custom in-house newsletter link management system works, and how it helps us put an issue together.

Peter covers how an item is added to our system, how we go about featuring certain stories, how we use 😉 emoji’s to classify items, and how the link management system even integrates with Cooper Press’ various social media accounts, via Buffer.

We’d love to read your thoughts on our workflow, so be sure to leave a comment.

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Chris Brandrick

Editorial Director at Cooperpress | Curator of Switch Weekly