Introducing FrontEnd Focus 🚀

Our email newsletter focused on all things front-end

Chris Brandrick
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2016


We’re renaming one of our main email newsletters. Starting with the July 6th, 2016 issue HTML 5 Weekly will be known as FrontEnd Focus. 👍

Our Publisher-in-Chief Peter Cooper launched HTML 5 Weekly nearly five years ago, with the goal of covering the then growing interest in the developing HTML 5 standard.

The publication, which to date has sent over 140 issues, has covered topics such as the developing HTML5 standard itself, CSS, WebGL, associated technologies and the web platform in general.

A lot has happened to the HTML5 standard since Cooper Press first started publishing HTML5 Weekly in 2011.

At that point, the standard had reached its first public working draft, with it reaching Candidate Recommendation status in 2012.

HTML5 was released as a stable W3C Recommendation during October 2014, completing the specification process.

When we launched the newsletter there was a lot of excitement surrounding the new features and possibilities the markup language would offer. Of course, as the standard became more widely adopted by browser vendors, the broader interest in HTML5 levelled. HTML5 became HTML.

The search term volume for HTML5 over the past several years

With utilisation of the standard normalized, the newsletter increasingly shared a wider range of articles, covering client-side development in general. CSS libraries, frameworks, jQuery plugins, accessibility issues and performance tips all became a part of the existing topic mix.

Because of this shift, we asked our audience for suggestions on what they thought would be a better name to reflect the content HTML5 Weekly was now sharing. A ton of you got back to us with your suggestions, all fairly sensible, with plenty pointing out that ‘frontend something’ would be a good way to go.

So, FrontEnd Focus it is.

This name better reflects the broader content mix now being shared, and will now doubt appeal to a wider developer audience.

You can expect the refreshed FrontEnd Focus to be a great, once-weekly round-up of the best links, articles, and tutorials relating to front-end web development. We hope you agree. 🙂

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Chris Brandrick

Editorial Director at Cooperpress | Curator of Switch Weekly