Meet the Team: Our Creative Director Jess

Say hello to the first Cooperpress employee! 👋

Za'e Johnson
4 min readMar 20, 2017


Note: Jess is no longer with the Cooperpress team.

Who’s that girl? It’s Jess! — A fan of gaming, cats and the colour purple 👌

As one of the first batch of employees here at Cooperpress , Jess Thompson has helped and experienced the company flourish over the last two years.

Before joining the company, Jess achieved her Master’s Degree in Digital Media Production at Sheffield Hallam University. After graduating with first class honours, and quitting a boring bar-job, Jess travelled Europe for a few months before returning to her hometown and began working as a freelance photographer and designer.

The Porsche showroom at 911 Sport, Lincolnshire

Jess’s main focus whilst freelancing was creating virtual tours for a variety of businesses, including hotels, car showrooms, and conference centers - among others; as well as creating photography and prints based on her Little Planet images (see below). Eventually Jess became a Google Trusted Photographer for the Business View program (think Street View for buildings), and spent a few months creating work that can be found on Google Maps.

Little Planets!

Although the photography and creative aspect of her work was thoroughly enjoyable, she did not enjoy the sales side of the business, and found freelance work to be a little bit lonely. 😢

However… one day, a job ad popped-up on Facebook, seeking a production and admin assistant for a one-man company called Cooper Press. (Yes, with a space back then!).

So Jess applied — and ended up with the job of Creative Director!

From day one, Jess has been creating cool content for the company, like videos, graphics, and promotional material for our social media accounts.

Basically any kind of graphic or image you see, it will have had her eyes on it at some point!

We have Jess to thank for a whole host of things, from creating our company logo to crafting our quarterly media kit.

Recently, Jess brushed up on her After Effects skills to put together this Grace Hopper video that we featured on our CodeWisdom Twitter account in honour of #InternationalWomensDay.

I asked Jess what some of her favourite projects and achievements have been whilst working at Cooperpress.

One of my favourite projects that I get to undertake for the company is creating the branding and design for each publication we have — both new and existing titles. Especially recently — I have been attempting to bring all of our properties under a more consistent theme, which we have internally named “The Keith” 😅

(I personally like the React Status ‘Keith’, because… it’s PURPLE ❤)

Another of my bigger recurring projects is creating and maintaining our quarterly Media Kit; it’s lovely to hear feedback from sponsors each time a new version goes out to them!

Recently Jess has been working hard on rebranding our newsletters and online profiles, alongside creating the latest Cooperpress media kit, which we send out to provide our sponsors, partners, and advertisers with all the latest stats, numbers and information they could possibly need.

💜PS: It’s actually Jess’s 2 Year Workiversary on March 24th! Woo!💜

Want to see more from our Creative Director and marvel at her photography skills? You can follow her on Twitter!

💙 Want to know about our team? Say Hi to Fran, our office manager!

