The 16 Most Popular React Links So Far in 2016

Peter Cooper
Published in
5 min readMay 13, 2016


We’ve looked through the stats for the 20 issues of JavaScript Weekly published so far in 2016 and have collected together the most popular React articles, videos and tutorials readers have clicked on.

JavaScript Weekly is a newsletter sent every Thursday with the most important links in the JavaScript community Join over 100,000 other subscribers and sign up for free here.

1: React.js Best Practices for 2016

Péter Márton

One developer’s extensive set of insights and ideas around best practices when developing React apps.

This article got 6775 clicks from JavaScript Weekly readers alone!

2: React Storybook: A Tool for Building React Components Outside of Your App

Arunoda Susiripala

An introduction to a tool for developing UI components outside of your app in an isolated, more collaborative environment.

3: Preact: A Fast, 3KB ‘React Alternative’

Jason Miller

An attempt to recreate React’s core functionality with as little code as possible and with first-class ES6 support. There are lots of demos to check out.

It seems quite a few people are looking for React-flavored alternatives.

4: Angular 2 + React Native: The Best of Both Worlds?

Angular Team

Angular and React? Here’s a look at work being done to render Angular 2 apps with React Native to make cross-platform native app dev easier.

Not something we’d seen coming, but it’s great to see this cooperation.

5: 38 Videos from React.js Conf 2016


Didn’t make it to React.js Conf? Enjoy all of the videos here. Perhaps start with Nick Schrock’s keynote?

Any conference that shares all of its videos online is okay by us.

6: Hot Reloading in React

Dan Abramov

Dan Abramov, the creator of Redux and React Hot Loader, takes an extensive look at the issues around implementing hot reloading functionality for React components and what he’s working on next.

One of the heroes of the React world.

7: Why React/Redux Is An Inferior Paradigm

André Staltz

Just one guy’s opinion, but it blew up on Hacker News.

Opinion pieces always tend to do well in JavaScript Weekly. We link them if they’re getting major traction elsewhere, but don’t necessarily endorse them ourselves.

8: Enzyme: Testing Utilities for React


A look at Enzyme, a library for testing React components.

9: React v15.0 Released

Dan Abramov

With the first ‘major version’ release following 0.14.0, React 15 brought key improvements to how React interacts with the DOM and removed some deprecations. 15.0.1 followed a day later, but 15 was the major release.

10: Server-Side Rendering With React, Node And Express

Smashing Magazine

An very in-depth tutorial, with code, diagrams, and insights into the process behind creating an isomorphic React and Express app.

11: React Native: A Year in Review


After just one year in the open source community, React Native has changed the way many developers build apps on both desktop and mobile platforms. This is a great summary of what’s occurred.

React Native has opened up React to a whole new type of developer (and, conversely, mobile development to existing React developers.)

12: OverReact: WYSIWYG Wireframing for React

Evil Corp

Wireframe basic React components and download a skeleton project for Express or Hapi in one click.

13: Angular 2 versus React: A Comparison

Cory House

A fiery showdown by Cory House.

Angular vs React articles have become a trend in recent months.

14: Nine Things Every React Beginner Should Know

Cam Jackson

Everyone loves a list post.. right? Keep your components small, write functional components, write stateless components, use Redux.js, and more.

15: Three Lightweight React Alternatives: Preact, VirtualDom & Deku

Dan Prince

An in-depth comparison of 3 React alternatives (Deku, Preact and Virtual Dom) and why they could prove useful for your next project.

16: Angular vs React: A Feature Table Comparison

Shannon Duncan

Another comparison, but this time based on statistics and properties of each framework.

Want to see some more topical roundups from the data we have in our newsletters? Hit us up @CooperPress on Twitter or leave a comment here.



Peter Cooper

Friendly chief publisher at @CooperPress, programmer, editor of JavaScript Weekly and more.