
A bit about this project, and why it matters

Pranay Somayajula
Cooperative Futures
1 min readDec 5, 2017


Hi! I’m Pranay, a high-school senior from Minnesota. For my Contemporary Women Writers class, I was tasked with choosing a pressing issue that affects women, researching the problem and its potential solutions, and creating an action project about it. I chose the issue of female poverty, and was especially interested in the potential of cooperativism and the solidarity economy to help combat this issue both here in the United States and abroad.

As I began to research the issue and the ways in which it is currently being addressed, I uncovered serious problems with the way we currently tackle global poverty, especially among women, and found that the potential for cooperatives was far greater than I initially thought. A major obstacle I found, however, was that many people simply are not aware of what cooperativism is, or if they are their understanding is plagued by misconceptions. This inspired me to create this website as a means of informing people about the issue and spreading awareness of sustainable, empowering solutions. I hope you find this information interesting, and that you consider spreading the word in order to increase public awareness!

