Redux-persist (v6) in detail (React)

Vikrant Bhat
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2020

Whenever you reload your app, the javascript process has nothing in memory. You will have to re-initialize state, and maybe set some basic state based on the url (if you are in a browser). Though usually this is what you want but there are many use cases where you might want to persist your redux state even when you reload your browser window.

This idea of persisting state across refresh in web applications that use redux for global state management can be achieved using the redux-persist npm package.

The complete redux-store or some specific part of it can be persisted in the browser localstorage easily!

A very common use case for implementing redux-persist in 2020 is:

Offline First. Many users may not have stable internet connection. Persistence is the first step of offline support.

Okay so that’s it for the introduction, now let’s set up redux-persist in our react-redux application.

Check this out for setting up a react-redux app or clone this repo

Step 1 — Install redux-persist

npm install redux-persist


yarn add redux-persist

Step 2 — Configure redux-store

The persistConfig object needs key and storage to work properly since they are mandatory, but it can also take some other key value pairs for more customization, some of them are:

Note: if you are using react native then your persistConfig will look like this ( see docs):

import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-community/async-storage" const persistConfig = { key: "root" , storage: AsyncStorage, }

Step 3 — Wrap your root component with PersistGate

If you are using react, wrap your root component (Top level component) with PersistGate. This delays the rendering of your app’s UI until your persisted state has been retrieved and saved to redux.

NOTE the PersistGate's loading prop can alse be null, or any react instance, e.g. loading={<Loading />} i.e it can be any react component, so you can add your custom loader as a component here. If null is provided as a value then it simply loads nothing until persisted state is retrieved. (Don't worry if you don't have a custom loader yet, it hardly takes fraction of a second to retrieve a simple redux state)

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the setup of redux-persist in your react-app! It was fairly easy, wasn’t it? Let me know your thoughts on Twitter

Additional resources

  • Check out this great article to know how you can do versioning in your persisted localstorage using redux-persist. This usually comes in handy when you make some big changes in your redux state and its not compatible with the previously saved localstorage in production, so redux-persist has this good to have feature for versioning built in.

Originally published at



Vikrant Bhat

The irony is, I am a web developer but I am shit scared of spiders. Javascript && React ⚛️