Week 1: The beginning

Alex Brockman
Copenhagen Chronicles
4 min readAug 24, 2018

Ahhhhh I’m finally here. I have been thinking about studying abroad ever since I started school at Wake Forest. I knew Copenhagen was the place for me ever since I went to my study abroad fair as a young freshman in freshman land. The brochures, representatives and pictures blew me away on the spot. I knew I had to go there at some point.

Flying over here was funny because you fly overnight for 8 hours expecting to sleep but I was so anxious and excited that I was lucky to have even slept for 30 minutes. I was also lucky enough to sit next to a nice Swedish man who’s mannerisms made me laugh the entire time. Oh and landing was surreal, the views of Denmark from the sky are breathtaking. Here’s a little snippet of what I saw out my window seat.

See the windmills?? I’m glad someone on this earth cares about it (P.S. check out this video the Danes love clean energy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfvqGwoZAq8)

After we landed all the students in the DIS program (check it out: https://disabroad.org/) met up in a hotel before heading on the bus to our housing. Everyone was waiting for their keys and cell phone SIM cards while our SRAs handed them out one by one. (They’re called “Social Resident Advisors” instead of just “Resident Advisors” because we hang out with them a lot more) The building I live in was built in the 1700s and it is absolutely beautiful, just as beautiful as the Danes who live around it.

The street outside my building, Kannikestræde 13

I’m in a quadruple room, meaning that me and three other guys share a big room. I had no idea what to expect but we’re making it work. We started off the day with a quick intro from the SRAs then I did a little exploring to see what was around me. Turns out I was living right in the middle of the city and directly next to all of the DIS classrooms and buildings. I’d say I got pretty lucky. A bunch of people got placed 20+ minutes from their classes but I can just walk outside and be there in 2 minutes. Literally.

Also I forgot I’m going to be cooking food for myself a lot more than I have been used to. It has actually been super fun and I’m sure I’ll learn a lot along the way.

The city is amazing, I’m really not sure how else to describe it. I’ve been expanding my horizons and exploring as much as I can. The day after I arrived I picked up my bike but I’m discovering that I don’t really need it most of the time since I am so close to so many things in the city.

Instead of talking I’ll just show you:

Nyhavn: The famous Copenhagen street
Kind of random but I made this pasta dish with chicken, tomatoes and cheese one night that I was proud of
Overgaden Oven Vandet
I know its a gym but I’m convinced it’s the best gym in the world: FitnessDK — Blox (its next to the big canal so you can work out and watch the water)
Christiansborg Palace
Some pictures from my adventures out in the water. That isn’t a boat on the left its a platform to jump off in this public swimming area. Amazing right? I told you
Me and my roommate Ryan had to pee but who knew there were ladders you could use to climb up the sides of the canals? And there are public restrooms in the middle of the city that anybody can use for free, they even clean themselves. It’s crazy.

I’m sure there are things I forgot to add but I’ll update this post if I think of anything else. I hope to post every week. There’s so much more to come!



Alex Brockman
Copenhagen Chronicles

Current student at Wake Forest University. Entrepreneurship lover with a passion for tech. Curious, motivated and always smiling.