Week 2: The second chapter

Alex Brockman
Copenhagen Chronicles
4 min readSep 27, 2018

Alright I have to apologize. I haven't posted anything new in a long time. I guess time flies when you are having fun.

I think I’m definitely starting to get more of a grip on things. I know because now I can walk around without constantly using Google Maps walking directions! The grocery store, coffee shops, bars, DIS buildings and my gym are all an easy walk away from my building. Speaking of, we are now pretty well into our classes. My schedule is nice because unlike some other students who might have a couple days where they are in class from 9–5, I have a spread out schedule with no more than two classes per day. I’m taking an Artificial Intelligence class, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Europe, Disruptive Innovation and Technologies, Danish Language and Culture, and Computational Analysis of Big Data. I know, sounds like a lot right? Well its not actually so bad. Unlike a lot of classes back home, the professors here want us to explore Europe and not be so worried about a lot of homework and stress. Also, my classes are very engaging with a lot of time for interaction so I’m not bored in class either!

My second week was jam packed with activities, work and exploration. I’m realizing that I sometimes tend to think I know the city until something else comes out and surprises me.

My first ever visit to a gay bar. Other than some of the decorations on the wall it wasn’t as different as I would have expected.
War Pigs has 20 different house beers on tap. I told the bartender to serve me his favorite.
We met these random dudes in the meat packing district who spoke 5 languages and immigrated from Spanish speaking countries. They wanted some quick tattoos after some late night Burger King.

I went to get my Danish visa last weekend. Now the government has my fingerprints. Good thing I never see any cops around who could use them against me. Later that afternoon I went to see the 2018 Red Bull Cliff Diving Competition where crazy dudes jump off a several hundred foot platform hanging off the Copenhagen Opera House.

On that Tuesday I had my 21st birthday, not in America, but in Copenhagen. You might think a 21st birthday in Europe would be underwhelming, but when you are surrounded by new friends abroad its just as fun.

Me and my frat bro Ryan, August 28th 2018

The day after my birthday was just as fun. Me and some of my friends went to this awesome place called Møns Klint, a park centered around a cliff made out of the same type of chalk you use on a chalkboard.

My friend Kate was determined to risk both of our lives to hop in the picture

That weekend I went to the famous glass market, a shopping center with an exuberant amount of local danish delicacies.

It reminds me of the famous markets in Madrid with the hanging hams.

Oh I forgot, we also went to Vapiano in the city that night which is funny because there is one 20 minutes from my house back home. Who knew the company was actually based in Germany?

I stayed in town during the weekend and played tourist.

Walking up the Church of Our Savior felt like as stable as a rusted truck
An animal rights rally? Count me in

There is so much to explore in this city. I’ve begun to realize that Copenhagen is kind of a quirky city. You travel through section by section in the city and each one has its own feel to it, its own flavor of Danish history and culture. Stay tuned for future updates, I’ve just barely scratched the surface.



Alex Brockman
Copenhagen Chronicles

Current student at Wake Forest University. Entrepreneurship lover with a passion for tech. Curious, motivated and always smiling.