Copia reaches 5 million pound milestone — saving edible food from landfills

Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2022

Today, on the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, Copia is proud to announce that our platform has helped businesses save over five million pounds of perfectly edible food from rotting in landfills. Every pound of this food has been matched and donated to nonprofits across the United States, including Canada and Puerto Rico, feeding those in need.

International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste comes at a very important time this year, a day after the White House hosted the first Conference on Food, Health, and Nutrition since 1969. Prior to the conference, the Biden Administration release a proposed plan on how to make America a more food secure and healthier nation.

At Copia, we believe that a conversation cannot be had around food insecurity without including food loss and waste. There is 3X more food produced for human consumption than there are mouths to feed. Hunger is not a scarcity issue, but rather an ineffective redistribution of that surplus. This is solvable and it is Copia’s mission to do so.

Copia’s automated SaaS-based platform is the first of its kind that addresses both food waste and hunger. Copia utilizes reverse logistics to support a circular economy, providing an easy-to-use technology that connects surplus, at the end of a supply chain, with nonprofit demand. By using Copia, donating customers are able to benefit from the resulting tax deduction, ESG credit, employee engagement, legislative compliance, and more. Copia makes it easy and beneficial for businesses to do the right thing.

Until now, it’s been a normal practice to toss your surplus because it’s what’s ‘easiest’. Not anymore — Copia is proud to be part of creating the new normal, where we can easily share our surplus and help our neighbors in need.

The food that our business partners donate enables nonprofits to serve delicious and nutritious meals to their community members and focus on other life-changing services. A representative from St. John’s Program for Real Change shared, “We’ve been feeding 150 people per day over here and we sure do appreciate your service, it’s such a gift. Copia really is making a difference and it’s great that we’re able to pass the baton to use what came from someone else in the community. Every bit gets recycled into a meal.”

Thank you to all of our donating businesses and nonprofit partners that are helping bring food to those who need it most. YOU ARE THE ONES making a difference! Copia is proud to be supporting your business, one donation at a time. Here’s to the next 5 million!



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Copia lets businesses and events easily donate their excess food and have it redistributed to feed communities in need. #ZeroFoodWaste #ZeroHunger —