Time is unfairly valued in capitalism | Coping with Capitalism Interview #3
An interview with Benjamin D.
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To begin, would you mind sharing a bit about yourself and the topic that you’d like to discuss?
Sure, I am Benjamin, a French guy currently freelancing in the tech world. Previously I’ve been working in the fast food industry for a decade. I am a college drop out, that’s why I ended up in the fast food world, but a couple of years ago, while living in Japan, I decided to change and started to learn new skills online. It took me a year or so to start working in the tech world and get paid for it.
I made websites and then discovered Design Thinking and got “ lucky “ with COVID, because everyone started to work remotely and I could establish myself as a remote workshop designer and facilitator, which would have been almost impossible with my experience and knowledge at that time otherwise.
I became a Workshop designer for a digital whiteboard company and got laid off during the big waves of lay off in summer 2022.
Since then I’ve been freelancing between VR, Generative AI and workshop design. I started learning Game Development as a passion thing and even if I am not yet making money with…