How to Find Purpose in your Life

Adam Colthorpe
Copse Magazine
Published in
8 min readJun 30, 2020


I asked the Oracle (I typed into Google) “How to find purpose in your life” and sighed deeply.

I know how to find purpose, I know what my personal mission statement is — I’ve been through this exercise many times before but for some reason, on a grey rainy day when the stresses of the world seem to bit that little bit deeper — I needed a little reminder.

I know I’m prone to these occasional bouts of self-reflection; of investing/wasting time on trying to refocus so I know now to set the Pomodoro timer and give myself both the time to reflect but also the boundary to stop

Photo by Ben White

Childhood Reflection

Look back on your childhood and see what memories stand out; good and bad. Its’ these childhood experiences that have potentially shaped the adult that you now are and that gave you your purpose — or showed you what you didn’t want to do.

Maybe there was a particular subject at which you were great at school? Or maybe there was a group of people who you particularly enjoyed their friendship or belonging to that group? Was there a teacher who stood out to you…



Adam Colthorpe
Copse Magazine

Creating opportunity at the intersection of mental health + inequalities.