Adam Colthorpe
Published in
4 min readJan 2, 2020


How to Focus: Back to Basics as a form of Meditation

There’s no chanting, a fair amount of swearing, it’s a pain in the ass — but it delivers perspective, appreciation, and focus.

Wood by Robert Ruggiero

It’s a brand new year, we’ve created our New Year’s Resolutions and we’ve even looked at how to make sure we deliver on our resolutions, but we still need help in knuckling down and focusing on the tasks and the year ahead. What’s a guy to do?

The first thing I always do is procrastinate. I will write an article at some point about Positive Procrastination (I appreciate the irony of putting that off for now) but I genuinely believe in living by a fully comprehensive to-do list and being able to procrastinate by picking up on another task that needs doing so that time is never wasted, just tasks are not necessarily prioritised in the best way.

I reach for tools that will help me succeed. Anyone who has ever bought more than one self-help book will recognise the pattern:

  1. I need help with task X; e.g. writing articles
  2. I will spend time researching what other people have done to write articles
  3. I will spend my money buying bokos/subscribing to resources that other people sell about writing
  4. I will realise that all of the people selling these resources didn’t make any money from writing and instead make their money from…



Adam Colthorpe

Creating opportunity at the intersection of mental health + inequalities.