9 Life Truths Corona has confirmed for me

Dana Barbu
Copse Magazine
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2020

Sometimes life confirms the theory

None of these truths were foreign to me in theory, but only after 2 months of Corona pandemic with everything that came with it (social distancing, remotely work, online schooling) I truly perceived them.

Here are the 9 life truths that were confirmed to me during this pandemic period:

  1. There’s nothing more important than health. Giving up habits, the absence of friends, the lack of workspace, holidays without loved ones can all be endured, but in the absence of health, nothing makes sense.
  2. There’s nothing more real than now. Plans are outdated. If you want something, do it now. Tomorrow, things may be totally different.
  3. There’s nothing stronger than emotional closeness. Physical distancing can be endured as long as there is emotional closeness.
  4. Courtyard houses are crucial. Or at least with a small yard or a balcony. Houses must provide not only comfort and safety but also a place for fresh air.
  5. Offices are not indispensable. A workplace is just a location. What matters is the work that must be able to adapt to new situations.
  6. Simple things are life-saving. Reading a book, taking a leisure walk, listening to music, eating a home-cooked meal can maintain mental health at a level within normal limits and that, in times of fear and uncertainty, is life-saving.
  7. The latest trends are so meaningless. Having the latest I don’t know what brand bag or a dress in the colour of the year is so unimportant in times of fear and uncertainty that it almost looks like nonsense.
  8. Adaptation works much better under pressure. It took only 2 months of pandemic pressure to succeed in what has been tried for years in the field of digitisation, but without any pressure.
  9. A new world is rising and it’s online. School, business, work, administration, even socialisation have moved in the virtual world and most of them will, at least partially, remain there.

