What it is like working at a Hedge Fund as a University Student

Che Averroes
Copse Magazine
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2021

A 100% black-owned and student-run hedge fund

Photo courtesy of BLK Website

What is a Hedge Fund: “hedge funds are alternative investments using pooled funds that employ different strategies to earn active returns, or alpha, for their investors”.

BLK Capital Management is a long/short hedge fund which means as an analyst you have a unique opportunity as to how you view the market because you are evaluating securities, that have growth potential but than you are also analyzing securities that have faults.

Since February, I have been working at BLK, which is a 100% black-owned and student-run hedge fund. BLK is sponsored by the likes of Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, Vanguard, and more. After several, interviews and creating a stock pitch for a company, I was finally admitted to being an analyst at BLK.

After a few days of being inducted into the BLK community, all the new analysts were asked to fill a form based on their personal interests, to what sector they wanted to be a part of I choose the emerging markets sector.

Along with choosing a sector within the same week, the education program began, which was lead by Ifeanyi Iscichei. The education program is extremely rigorous, and it is over the span of 9 weeks and covers the essentials for finance. You learn everything from reading a balance sheet to creating valuation models.

A lot of analysts have said to me that they have learned more within the educational program at BLK than within their own respective degrees.


In the fall and spring BLK has a conference where they get all of their 250+ members and work with sponsors on different projects, listen to experiences on working in different firms, and so many other unique things.

These are just a few of BLK’s sponsors, and most were present at the spring conference which I attended.

Simply by just being a part of the BLK community has opened so many doors that I did not know even existed. I was able to seamlessly get an internship in Hong Kong at a private equity firm where I will be interning for 8 weeks.

After a few weeks of being within the community, I was so inspired to start a podcast. The BLK podcast is meant to enrich, educate, and aggrandize the internal and external community of BLK. There are currently two episodes published with the president of BLK, and a portfolio manager from Vanguard, but the Director of the World Bank, and a few Nobel laureates have agreed to come on the podcast. Joining BLK has truly given me access to a world I never even knew existed.

More information regarding BLK: https://www.blkcapitalmanagement.org/



Che Averroes
Copse Magazine

Metaphysicist. Buddhist. Traveler. and Seeker of truth