We’re Moving!

Coptic Voice
Coptic Voice
Published in
1 min readApr 9, 2018

Ekhristos Anisty! First, we wanted to say thank you so much for all of the support and encouragement that Coptic Voice has received by people all over the United States. We started this blog as a way to help forge our American Coptic identity through the written word, and since we started this adventure six months ago, that is exactly what we’ve seen happen.

In fact, as more people become involved in the Coptic Voice’s process, our blog has started to outgrow Medium.

Because of this, we are moving to our own hosted domain website, www.copticvoiceus.com. There, we can work to further connect Copts all throughout the western world while also better managing our content. We also added a “subscribe” feature so that whenever a new article is posted, it can go straight to your email.

We haven’t left Medium just yet, but we are slowly phasing it out. In the meantime, please make sure to subscribe to our website, and email us any feedback, questions, or comments you might have at copticvoiceus@gmail.com!

The Coptic Voice Team

