Why Knowing Our History Matters

Coptic Voice
Coptic Voice
Published in
1 min readMay 2, 2018

*NOTE: We’ve moved! To read the rest of this article, please visit www.copticvoiceus.com and be sure to subscribe so you can receive updates on new articles right in your inbox!

A few weeks ago during a dinner conversation with my wife, we contemplated what our 2 year old toddler would think of herself as she grows up. Would she think of herself culturally as an American, Egyptian, or Copt?

My wife quickly concluded that it doesn’t really matter what her cultural identity will be, for as long as she is a good Christian, she will be okay. I nodded in agreement, but the question has stuck and grew in my mind ever since.

If she will be culturally American, as one would naturally expect, will she be able to reconcile the cultural idiosyncrasies between the world inside and outside the church? If she can’t, could she still be a good Christian?

