Long-Form Copies Are the God of Conversions. Here’s How to Write Them.

Some long-form copies are boring because they aren’t strategically written.

Nick Chai
The Copy Wizard


Photo by JK on Unsplash

People make claims about how excessive long copies are and then complain about why their conversions suck. Here’s the thing about conversion. Customers need to be sold enough to take buying action.

Emphasis on the word “enough”. It’s safe to say that short form copies are not persuasive enough to drive conversions. The reason being the lack of decision-making information for the customers. In the end, they read and bounce.

You should write long-form copies whenever you can because they convert two types of buyers. One, low action threshold buyers. Two, high action threshold buyers.

Long-form copies satisfy both types of buyers since they provide complete information for conversions to take place. But there’s a catch. You need to write something worth reading.

It starts from your writing

Good copywriting comes from good writing. That’s self-explanatory. Before you can write to persuade, you need to be able to write with clarity. Clarity leads to persuasion. Keep that in mind.

