Nothing Will Ever Replace Copy in Marketing. Here’s Why.

Words have the ability to paint a mental picture in your customers’ minds. This is 100 times more persuasive than videos.

Nick Chai
The Copy Wizard


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Try not to be fooled when statistics show you that video is overtaking the marketing world. It only shows you half of the picture. There is a much deeper insight than fancy statistics.

I’m not bitter. Nor am I lagging behind. I’m trying to convey an important realization I had over the course of my copywriting journey. And I believe it will shift your perspective big time if you haven’t had this realization already.

Text is the best marketing tool that ever existed. Why do I say so? Because both video and illustration emerge from text. You can never have these two without context. Think about that for a minute.

The reason why text is better

Before the age of graphics and videos, we communicate through text. In fact, those two mediums of communication are a subset of text if you think about it. There can be no illustrations without context. And the same goes for videos.

The reason why text is better than any medium out there is that it is the godfather of transferring ideas. Pictures and videos do tell a…

