The #1 Reason Why You Can’t Sell (+ Proven Tactics to Sell Better)

Everyone is telling you “Don’t sell and provide value”, but it’s actually hindering your growth. Here’s why.

Nick Chai
The Copy Wizard


Photo by Yosi Prihantoro on Unsplash

Blogs out there claim that people don’t like being sold to. But the truth is…consumers love to buy.

Don’t you think there’s a disconnect here??

“People like to buy but hate being sold to” is a marketing myth. Because businesses wouldn’t exist if no one sells.

If you want to excel and thrive in your business, throw this mindset down the drain. It’ll only hinder you from the potential you’ve yet to achieve.

Businesses that make 6 to 7 figures per month embrace selling. The only thing they do differently is the way they sell.

How people make buying decisions

No one ever wakes up and thinks, “I’m going to buy a shirt today”. It doesn’t work that way. People don’t buy when there’s no need to buy. I believe you operate on this rationale as well.

People would only decide they want to buy something when they “feel” the need to buy. For example, when groceries are out, they should be restocked. Because if you don't restock it, you’ll starve. There’s a need.

