Not All Alternative Medicine is Created Equal

Copy Fox Pros
Copy Fox Pros


Guest post written by Kevin Jezek

I have to start by saying that this article is not a cry to abandon modern medicine and medical practices. I wholeheartedly recommend having a primary care practitioner that you are completely confident and comfortable with. I suggest going in for regular check-ups and screening. The advancements in our medical understanding grow with each passing year. However, like with everything in this country, medicine is a for-profit field.

This fact leads companies to focus on what is best for the bottom line and not necessarily what’s best for us, the consumer. This can be easily seen today in the recent news articles claiming that more than half the medications we take have depression as a side effect. This very notion of an adverse side effect is what truly concerns me about our medicines today… I have a very hard time swallowing a pill that will cure the joint pain I have in my knees while at the same time possibly giving me depression or anxiety. And that’s just the very tip of the iceberg. In the end, we are responsible for educating ourselves concerning every aspect of our lives. This includes the medication you put into your body. You need to look at the doctor as a tool there for you to use and consult, not the end-all be-all final word who’s not open to discussion or input. Having done this in my own life, I have come upon what — in my humble opinion — is the real future of medicine. His name is Paul Stamets.

If you are familiar with Paul’s research, I imagine you look at him one of two ways: a complete nutcase who has spent way too much time in the woods or (and this is how I have come to see him) possibly one of the most important people this planet has to offer. For all those who are just hearing this name for the first time, welcome to a whole new way of seeing the world if you look at it with an open mind and heart. For a wide range of reason, the biggest one being the complexity and depth of the science involved in Paul’s work, I will not be going too deeply into any topic at all. Instead, I’m going to link Paul’s Wikipedia page in the hopes you are intrigued enough to check it out. After that, he has a couple great YouTube videos on a wide range of topics all concerning and using mushrooms to solve any number of problems.

I have only just recently been exposed to Paul because about 6 months ago, my grandmother developed lung cancer (smokers beware!! It’s not like biting your nails; cigarettes are a bad habit which will increase your chances of any number of diseases) so I started doing research about treatments, medication, choices, all that stuff. Now, if you are an open-minded and observant individual who really understands how the world works, then you know there are two forces at play. Those being the “mainstream” and the other being the “fringe”, “alternative” or any number of other negative words usually used by the “mainstream” side. This latter category is where Mr. Stamets’ work would be placed. Unsurprisingly, it’s oftentimes passed over by your average individual and most practicing doctors. It was through thorough searching that I uncovered Paul. Unfortunately, due to my grandmother’s doctor not wanting her to do anything other than what they say, I will be unable to see if his methods would have had any benefits for her. However, I have a condition called ulcerative colitis and I shall begin using and relaying my experience with Paul’s methods and the medication he has made available.

The problem here is if, like me, you do this research and you also find the alternative research from individuals who are every bit as intelligent and dedicated as any doctor anywhere in the world…. and then your doctor dismisses and discredits all of it because the doctor is uneducated about or unfamiliar with the research. My grandmother does not research anything at all, though. She only goes by what her doctor says. I sat with her and showed her the videos and even went and talked to the doctor about her possibly taking the supplements Paul has. As soon as he told her not to take anything because he had never heard of this research or man, she would not even talk about it anymore.

This is the reason I want to write this. Because I believe the information that Paul Stamets has given us has the ability to not only save lives but also improve our entire way of living. If you stuck with me through this entire read, I can only hope you will continue on to the links I’ve attached above and get ready have to have your world opened up like never before. Now, I want you to be aware that I don’t work for or with or profit in any way from these things. This is not a gimmick to up sales or make cash. I am purely trying to get more people interested in and talking about this branch of science because I truly have an overwhelming feeling that it is the way we can fix a multitude of problems, most of which careless humans were the cause.

Kevin Jezek was born on September 13th 1988, in Tacoma Washington. He grew up in Federal Way, Washington where he attended Federal Way High School. He started commercial salmon fishing in the summer on my uncle’s boat in Alaska when he was 14. High school dropout (with GED). Has had held a variety of jobs, such as working with crab, salmon, cod, fishing, construction, heavy equipment operator, landfill, aircraft maintenance, plumbing, electrical, gardening and more. Kevin is an open-minded, deep thinking, loner who likes people.
“ I’m going through life looking to collect experiences not things. Your mind is either your strongest asset or your Achilles heel depending on how you use it!”

