4 Clever Ways to Write Catchy Headlines

How to Attract A Crowd of Readers

Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine
3 min readMay 1, 2024


Image by Saleem Rana using DALL-E 3

Do your headlines fall flat?

Do they fail to grab the attention of your target audience.

This is a common problem — even for professional copywriters.

Many copywriters struggle to create headlines that drive clicks and conversions.

But what if you could write attention grabbing headlines?

In this article, you’ll discover the secrets to crafting compelling headlines that drive clicks and conversions. I’ll explain how to write attention-grabbing headlines that take your copywriting skills to the next level.

Tweak Your Headline

Irina, a marketing manager, struggled to get her blog posts noticed.

Although she wrote beautiful articles that provided a lot of value to her readers, providing practical solutions to their problems, her headlines failed to attract her target audience.

She tried various headlines templates in vain. None of them resonated with her audience… until she learned how to write her own original headlines.

Initially, her headlines didn't get as much attention as she had hoped. While she got a better response than when she relied on headline templates, she knew she could get more clicks to her articles.

After discussing her dilemma with me, I shared a few simple tweaks. Within a month, her headlines started driving more clicks, shares, and conversions.

The Anatomy of a Great Headline

A great headline is more than just a description. It's a promise to the reader.

It’s this promise that makes the headline irresistible.

The trick is to write a headline that speaks directly to your audience.

I learned this headline secret by analyzing the headlines of some of the best copywriters in history.

Here are two prime examples:

David Ogilvy’s famous headline “At 60 miles an hour, the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock” is a masterclass in grabbing readers’ attention.

Joseph Sugarman’s headline “The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History” is yet another excellent example of a headline that converts.

So how do you write these terrific headlines?

Here are a four tips to get started.

  1. Use the powerful headline formula: [Number] + [Adjective] + [Keyword] + [Promise]. For Example: “5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Productivity Today”

2. Make a bold claim: Use action verbs like “Discover”, “Learn”, or “Get” to create a sense of urgency. For Example: “Discover the Secret to Writing Irresistible Headlines”

3. Ask a question: Pique your readers’ curiosity with a thought-provoking question. For Example: “What’s the One Thing Holding You Back from Success?”

4. Use humor: Add a touch of wit to make your headline more relatable and shareable. For Example: “The Ultimate Guide to Writing Headlines that Don’t Suck”

Strive to keep your headlines concise. Aim for six to nine words to make them easy to scan in a list of article titles.

Get Good at Crafting Headlines

The key to writing irresistible headlines is to understand your audience and to say something that speaks directly to them.

Don't let your headlines hold you back from achieving success as a copywriter. When you constantly practice writing headlines based on the four guidelines I’ve provided here, you can expect to watch your clicks shares and conversions soar.

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Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine

I have an M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy and am passionate about personal development and helping readers flourish through insightful, empowering content.