A 7-Step Guide to Writing an Irresistible Blog Post

Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine
5 min readApr 19, 2023


Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Do you feel writing is difficult?

Frankly, every good writer feels that way — it’s the nature of the craft itself.

As writers, we’re exquisitely sensitive beings — so we may experience writer’s block, fatigue (because it’s early in the morning or late at night), or just a lack of inspiration.

Everyone struggles with writing. We all do. You’re far from alone.

But, despite all that, you can still write irresistible articles.


Use the following 7-step framework to build out your ideas. Each step leads to the next.

Before you realize it, an hour or two will have passed…and you’ll have your completed first draft.

1. Publish on the Right Platforms

Knowing where to start when writing for a new platform can be difficult.

Research the content readers engage with to make your work stand out on your chosen platform. Notice which topics are popular and how readers react to various posts.

For example, if you decide on a publication focused on lifestyle topics, you should create content that fits within that topic.

Also, besides researching popular topics and formats and tailoring your content, pay attention to reader engagement and track what type of posts they engage with most often.

2. Create a Headline That Grabs the Attention

Struggling to craft a compelling headline that captures readers’ attention and accurately reflects your post’s content?

Brainstorm catchy phrases and keywords that reflect the central message of your post, and then fashion an attention-grabbing headline that stands out to readers.

If your post is about saving money on groceries, craft a headline like “Pro Tips for Grocery Shopping on a Budget — Shop Smart and Save Big.

3. Open With a Compelling Hook

How do you start your post with captivating content that will pique interest and ensure readers stay engaged until the end?

Provide interesting facts, stories, or anecdotes that draw readers in and keep them engaged with each new idea.

Say, you’re writing about the Marvel Universe.

Talk about how Stan Lee never intended to create Spider-Man until a publisher suggested he include a costumed superhero in his story.

This fun fact engages readers. Better still, it may lead to an in-depth discussion of how spontaneous ideas can become cultural memes.

4. Use a Logical Structure to Engage Readers

Without structuring posts into sections and subsections, readers become overwhelmed and do not understand the full scope of the problem. This can lead to confusion and lack of clarity when identifying solutions.

Breaking up the post into various parts makes it easier for readers to follow along and understand your message. You’ll need to use an easy-to-follow structure to keep readers engaged with your content and understand the full scope of its message.

For example, use visual aids, such as images and diagrams, to illustrate complex points. Another idea is to end each section of a complex argument with a summary. This will help readers grasp what was discussed earlier without re-reading.

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

5. Add Visuals to Supercharge Your Content

Visuals in your post make them exciting and engaging. It’s tough to convey complex ideas without them — because they pull readers into your narrative. So, failing to include visuals can decrease retention and comprehension.

Using visuals in your post effectively conveys your message. It boosts the reader’s interest. With visuals, they are more likely to devour your content and understand the full scope of its meaning.

Add visuals like images, videos, GIFs, and diagrams to illustrate complex ideas in an easily digestible manner. When you combine visuals with text, you draw readers in and make the content easier to understand.

6. Promote Your Post With Smart Strategies

To create successful content, you must first write an interesting essay. Unfortunately, generating the right attention and readership is more difficult than expected.

Smart strategies are also necessary to promote your posts to reach your intended audience.

You can achieve success with your post promotions using the following marketing method:

  • Use social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Contact influencers through direct messages or email who might be interested in sharing your post with their followers.
  • Connect with others who write about similar topics to build relationships and drive traffic toward each other’s work.

7. Generate a Handsome Revenue

Without enough views on your post, you won’t generate any revenue. You’ll feel discouraged. You may even quit.

So, besides learning how to write well for your target audience, learn how to market your work.

Also, research how the most popular writers online make hundreds of dollars a month, even thousands, every month. Many share what has worked for them in their writing tips articles and on YouTube.

Unleash the Power of Writing Today

You’ve learned to pick the right platform, craft a compelling headline, hook your reader with a formal opening, logically structure your post, and add visuals to inform your ideas.

Imagine how proud and confident you’ll feel after publishing the article in your favorite online magazine. Think about how it would feel to have people sharing and engaging with your content and taking action on the life-changing advice you’ve shared.

With these seven simple steps and a dash of creativity, you’ve got a basic framework to go for it. Craft irresistible posts that will engage your audience and win them over to your way of viewing the world.

Find More Refreshing Ideas on Medium

Are you looking for a place to discover genuinely unique ideas? Look no further than Medium! With a low-cost membership, you’ll get access to every single article, support all the talented writers here, and step into a world of boundless creativity and fresh new perspectives.

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Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine

I have an M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy and am passionate about personal development and helping readers flourish through insightful, empowering content.