From Clicks to Clients

How to Use Your Copywriting Skills to Land Your First High-Paying Gig

Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine
5 min readApr 25, 2024


Image created by Saleem Rana with Dall-E 3

Although it happened many years ago, I still remember the rush of ecstasy I experienced like it was yesterday when I landed my first freelance copywriting after placing a Facebook ad for my writing services.

Before that fateful day, I struggled to make a living by taking low-paying 9–5 jobs while hustling for work online.

But everything changed that day.

After I wrote a simple sales letter for my new client, I used his positive testimonial to attract more attention to my portfolio website.

Suddenly, my Facebook ads started to work like crazy. I was landing high-paying jobs every week.

That first testimonial turned into a whole string of testimonials.

What flipped the switch? I didn’t improve my Facebook ads. I just increased my social proof.

Quit Spinning Your Wheels

Tired of writing copy that doesn’t resonate with anyone?

Are you struggling to find high-paying clients and feeling stuck?

You know you have persuasive writing skills, but no one seems to notice.

You start doubting yourself and ask if you have enough writing skills to prosper in this industry.

Frustration builds up and you feel like giving up.

But what if I told you that there was a simple marketing process to turn those clicks to your portfolio page into customers?

What if you could use your copywriting skills to land a high-paying job and build a thriving business?

Making a good living from the comfort of your own home is not just a pipe dream, but a reality for many successful entrepreneurs who play the writing game online.

In this article, we’ll look at an even better strategy than what I used to make the goal of getting your first client a reality.

Understand Your Target Audience

To attract high-income customers, you must understand their needs.

Let’s say you’re a health and wellness writer.

Your ideal client is a fitness studio owner who wants to attract more customers and increase membership sales.

You have identified this ideal customer through research and understanding their industry.

You know their pain points: They need persuasive sales copy to engage their target audience.

So, the first step to finding your ideal client in the health and wellness industry, is to understand their weaknesses and desires.

Through surveys, interviews, or online research, identify the pain points and desires of your ideal customer.

Perhaps, your ideal customer has difficulty creating engaging content for social media or difficulty creating effective email marketing campaigns.

Perhaps, your ideal customer is constrained by a limited advertising budget.

Perhaps, your ideal customer aspires to increase membership sales, establish a strong online presence, or make their fitness center a trusted studio in their part of town.

Create a Unique Value Proposition

Based on your research, create a unique value proposition that speaks directly to your ideal customers.

A unique value proposition (UVP) is a clear statement that explains the benefits of your writing service and sets it apart from others.

Tailor it to your ideal customer’s specific needs and pain points. Explain in plain English how your unique experience, knowledge, or skillset will solve their problems or improve their situation.

By crafting a strong UVP, you’ll differentiate yourself from your competitors. Craft one that resonates with your target audience.

A well-thought out value proposition will make your offer convincing enough to attract high-paying clients.

Demonstrate Your Expertise

Once you understand your target audience, write free content that attracts them.

For example, let’s assume you choose to write a blog post on your WordPress website to promote via Facebook ads.

Here are some things you can do to get attention:

First, decide on a headline for a Facebook ad that will target your ideal client.

For example: “Transform Your Fitness Studio into a Thriving Business with Proven Copywriting Strategies.”

Now that you’ve got an idea on what to write about, start with a hook that resonates with your ideal client:

“Are you tired of feeling like your fitness studio is stuck in a rut, with membership sales plateauing and your marketing efforts falling flat?”

Then, use storytelling to build a connection with a reader who has landed on your website from the Facebook ad.

Perhaps you can share a story of a successful fitness studio owner who struggled to find their voice and attract new clients… but then with your copywriting services, they increased their membership sales by 50% and established a strong online presence.

Turn Clicks into Clients

Now that you’ve written a blog that resonates with your readers, place your Facebook ad to attract people to read it.

After they have read your blog post, you can turn those clicks into clients with a call to action at the end of your post that directs your reader to your landing page.

One popular way to optimize a landing page is to create a free downloadable guide.

Perhaps write one with a title like “5 Copywriting Secrets to Boost Your Fitness Studio’s Membership Sales,”

Your PDF should provide valuable tips and strategies for your ideal client.

Send your guide to them in exchange for their email address.

Next, send the subscribers to your list a series of content rich emails that showcase you know exactly how to help them resolve their pain points.

Finally, write a solo email that offers your copywriting services, with a clear call-to-action to book a consultation.

Putting It Together: 10 Steps from Clicks to Clients

Now that you have a broad understanding of the game plan, let’s put the pieces together to create a seamless system.

Here, then, are the 9 steps you need to take to get the click:

  1. Write a blog post that speaks directly to the needs of your target audience.
  2. Create a Facebook ad that attracts your ideal client to read your blog post.
  3. After winning your client over with the quality of your post, use a call-to-action to direct them to your landing page.
  4. You can persuade your prospects to turn into subscribers by offering them a valuable eBook in exchange for their email address.
  5. Write a series of emails for your subscribers that solves a problem they keep having in their business and showcases that you know your stuff.
  6. End your series with a solo email that invites people to contact you for free advice on a Zoom call.
  7. During your discovery call, provide helpful advice and avoid hard-selling your services. Just mention what you can do for them.
  8. Deliver on your promise to improve their business.
  9. Use the positive testimonials you receive to build your brand.
  10. Rinse and repeat, tweaking and perfecting this lead generation model until it works perfectly for you.

Remember, getting your first client all starts with a single click.

Do you want to learn how to write simple words that close deals quickly?

For a limited time, I’m giving away two business-building resources that can help you learn essential copywriting skills:

  1. My book distills the key lessons I’ve learned over the years about copywriting in the real world.
  2. My 9-week email-based copywriting crash course shares lessons I wish someone had taught me when I first started copywriting before the Internet.

Both resources help aspiring copywriters or online business owners learn how to sell with words.

You can get them at no cost here to start earning money online quickly and easily.



Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine

I have an M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy and am passionate about personal development and helping readers flourish through insightful, empowering content.