How to Write Like a Dream

A Beginner’s Guide to Captivating Copywriting

Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine
3 min readMay 12, 2024


Image by Saleem Rana using DALL E-3

When I started copywriting before the Internet, after taking Michael Masterson’s Accelerated Program for 6 Figure Copywriting, I had the drive and passion to pursue this specialized type of writing, but my words just wouldn’t convert.

No clicks. No sales. Nothing.

Then, I stumbled upon the idea of copywriting frameworks, and it was like my brain fog lifted and dissipated.

All the copywriting rhetoric techniques I’d learned over six months of assiduous study and practice no longer vied for my attention like traders on a bustling stock exchange floor. Instead, they stood in formation like soldiers at a military parade awaiting their next command.

Let me share how this simple yet powerful approach transformed my copywriting and how it can do the same for you.

My Original Correspondence Course Workbook

Yes, this is still in my home office.

My Problem: No Response Copywriting

My problem was clear: my copy didn’t resonate. I knew how to express an idea but not how to persuade anyone to do anything.

Ignoring my lack of knowledge of sales psychology only made it worse. The digital world didn’t sleep, and every moment wasted was a missed opportunity to become a copywriter.

But here’s the kicker — I wasn’t alone. Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of copywriters before me had faced this hurdle too.

That’s why they invented copywriting frameworks.

My Solution: The Invisible Architecture of Persuasion

You already know how to write with empathy, clarity, and a dash of brilliance.

But do you know how to put yourself in customers’ shoes, crafting messages that strike a chord?

The legions of masterful copywriters who showed up before me, wordsmiths like Bruce Barton and David Ogilvy, leaned on swipe files for inspiration on how to say and copywriting frameworks to figure out how to logically organize their stream of ideas.

You can do the same.

Read a few swipe files to get a feel for the cadence of a piece of copy.

For instance, you could read The Gary Halbert Letter to get inspired on how to win your readers over to your way of thinking.

Then use a framework to express yourself.

For instance, you could deploy the PAS framework:

P: Problem

A: Agitation

S: Solution

Start by identifying a problem your audience faces. Then, agitate it — dig into why it’s so troublesome and what it costs to ignore. Finally, present your solution as the hero they’ve been waiting for.

Your Challenge

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to do the following assignment:

  1. Research your audience to understand their challenges deeply.
  2. Read some classical copywriting to put you in the writing mood.
  3. Use a copywriting framework to outline your copy.
  4. Write as if chatting with a friend. Be authentic. Relate.
  5. Test different versions and analyze the results. Keep refining.

7 Beginner-Friendly Frameworks

  • PAS: Problem-Agitation-Solution. State the problem. Agitate it. Suggest a simple solution.
  • AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action. Grab attention. Generate interest. Create desire. Encourage action.
  • FAB: Features-Advantages-Benefits. Explain the features. Highlight the advantages. Emphasize the benefits.
  • BAB: Before-After-Bridge. Describe the problem (before). Paint a picture of the solution (after). Close the gap (bridge).
  • 4Ps: Problem-Promise-Proof-Proposal. Identify the problem. Make a promise. Provide proof. Propose a solution.
  • USP: Unique-Selling-Proposition. Clearly state why your product or service is better.
  • FFF: Feel-Felt-Found. Validate your reader’s emotional pain (feel). Show empathy (felt). Provide a solution (found).

An Invitation

Start writing copy that converts. Use your favorite framework as your guide and watch as your words turn into clicks and cash. Every master was once a beginner. Now… it’s your turn.

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Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine

I have an M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy and am passionate about personal development and helping readers flourish through insightful, empowering content.