Why You Should Get to Know Your Audience

Miracles Happen When Understand Your Target Market Inside and Out

Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine
4 min readMay 5, 2024


"Image created by Saleem Rana using DALL-E 3."

Yes, you will find that the Internet is full of people who want to do the same things as you.

Content marketing is competitive and social media appears saturated.

Some pessimists may even say you’re too late. The window of opportunity has slammed closed.

Although things look more difficult, there has never been a better time to launch your personal brand.

Today, you can reach almost anyone in any niche because there are plenty of social media platforms where your audience likes to hang out.

You can also access numerous monetization methods and make six or seven figures through a content marketing campaign.

But… with great power comes great responsibility. What is your job as a content creator? It is to understand your target audience… comprehend their demographics and psychographics.

Your message is meaningless unless you understand your target audience, understand their needs, wants, and desires.

Your Struggle is Real Enough

I get it.

You spend an hour crafting your perfect headline. You then spend the rest of the day crafting your article or sales letter.

But… then… crickets.

Your campaign bombs.

Your epic content falls flat.

You then try to create a social media campaign, desperately hoping it will go viral, only to see it fail too.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Your journey to success doesn't have to be frustrating and depressing.

A Copywriter’s Epiphany

Jane, a copywriter struggling to connect with her target audience, tried everything: different headlines, different copy, different images.

But nothing seemed to work.

She was on the verge of giving up when she decided to conduct some target market research. She created customer profiles, surveyed her audience, and analyzed her competition.

And then it hit her: she’d been writing for the wrong audience all along.

Her copy was too generic, too bland. She wasn’t speaking to anyone’s pain points or desires. She was just shouting into the wind, hoping someone would listen.

But once she understood her target market, everything changed.

Her copy now resonated with her audience. Her sales now skyrocketed.

Jane is no longer just another copywriter trying to build her passive income stream. Instead, she has become a trusted authority in her niche.

The Key to Effective Copywriting

How do you get to know your target audience like Jane?

While it may seem like serendipity or some type of marketing magic, having a positive impact on your audience is not that complicated

In fact, it's just a two-step process.

First, research your target market. Create customer profiles. Survey your audience. Analyze your competition.

Your goal is simple. It is to understand your audience’s pain points. It is to identify their desires. It is to empathize with their fears.

Getting to know them is about understanding what keeps them up at night and what excites them in the morning.

Second, you must use your copywriting knowledge to apply your new psychological understanding of your audience. Tailor your copy to address their desires and needs. Use words that resonate with them, and write sentences that speak to their pain and longing.

Renowned Copywriters Who Nailed It

Many of the most famous copywriters in the world have done this work before you. They have mapped out the territory, figuring out how to use targeted marketed research and customer profiling to write highly effective, extremely persuasive copy.

David Ogilvy, affectionately called the father of advertising, created meticulous target marketing analysis to get to know his target audience better.

Meanwhile, the legendary Joseph Sugarman was famous for his ability to write copy that spoke directly to his target market’s needs and desires.

Then there's the unforgettable John Carlton, the fiery copywriting guru, who has built a career on understanding his target audience and writing copy that resonates with them.

5 Ways to Apply Your New Understanding

So how can you apply this technique to your content? Here are five ways to start:

  1. Understand your target audience’s pain points. What are their desires and fears. To find out conducts surveys and focus groups. Based on this information, write copy that resonates with them.
  2. Create a detailed customer profile. What's going on inside your customer avatar? What are their demographics and psychographics?
  3. Notice what's happening in social media. People openly share their thoughts and feelings on social media. They talk about their concerns and express their preferences.
  4. Analyze your competition. Learn from the feedback your competition gets from their marketing experiments. Notice what works and what fails miserably. Apply this knowledge to write your copy.
  5. Pay attention to trends. What's happening in the news? How does this affect your industry or niche? Use your insights to write timely, relevant copy.

Take Action: Get to Know Your Audience Today

You might just be one skill set away from reaching out to more clients, making deeper connections, and earning much more impressive paychecks.

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Saleem Rana
CopyMasters Magazine

I have an M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy and am passionate about personal development and helping readers flourish through insightful, empowering content.