5 Reasons Why Most Businesses Fail With Digital Marketing.

Adejoke Adebayo
Copywriter Salary
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2023
Why Most Businesses Fail With Digital Marketing.

Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels and technologies, such as the internet, social media, email, search engines, and various online platforms, to promote products, services, or brands.

According to the latest statistics on the percentage of businesses that fail in the United States, we see that of the 733,286 new businesses that were started in 2017, more than one-fifth (20.9%) closed in 2018, after just one year in operation.

The percentage of businesses that fail increased to 31.4% in the second year (2019) and 39.3% in the third year (2020). In their fourth year (2021), 44.5% had shuttered and by the fifth year in 2022, the new business failure rate reached 48.4%.

Why Most Businesses Fail With Digital Marketing.

1. Lack of Clear Goals and Strategy

Without a well-defined digital marketing strategy and clear objectives, businesses often end up wasting resources on random tactics.

The fact is, having a working business online is great, but it must be backed up with clear goals and objectives in order to grow and progress.

Setting specific goals, such as increasing website traffic or generating leads, is crucial for measuring success.

2. Inadequate Target Audience Understanding.

Failing to understand their target audience is a common mistake.

You see, most businesses does not understand what it really takes for their business to strive and grow in the competitive digital space, and this is one of the reasons businesses fail.

Effective digital marketing requires knowing your audience's preferences, behaviors, and pain points. Without this insight, businesses struggle to create relevant content and advertisements.

3. Neglecting SEO and Content Marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and content marketing are foundational to online success. Businesses that don't invest in optimizing their website for search engines or producing valuable, shareable content miss out on organic traffic and audience engagement.

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4. Ignoring Data and Analytics.

Many businesses fail to leverage data and analytics effectively. Regularly monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) like conversion rates, click-through rates, and customer behavior can help refine strategies and make data-driven decisions.

This is why most businesses fail because they less consider the importance of analytics in their digital dealings.

5. Not Embracing Social Media.

Social media platforms provide valuable opportunities for engagement and promotion. Businesses that ignore or underutilize social media may miss out on a significant portion of their target audience.


Consistency is key on social media. Some businesses post irregularly or abandon their accounts altogether, leading to a loss of engagement and followers.

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