7 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business

Nicholas Gregory Campbell
Copywriter Salary
Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2024
7 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business
Photo by Francisco De Legarreta C. on Unsplash

Starting a business is tough. It’s one of those things that test your strength and resilience. Many nights, I shed tears, praying and asking God why it was so hard. Without a mentor or someone in your family to guide you through entrepreneurship, you’re bound to make mistakes. The key is not to quit, no matter what. Keep pushing forward.

Mistake #1: Not Connecting with Others

In the beginning, I tried to do everything in my little bubble. As an introvert, I loved sitting in front of the computer all day, avoiding social interactions. But you can’t grow a business with that mindset. Building relationships is crucial. It would help if you connected with people who can support your product or service, investors who believe in your vision, and mentors who can guide you. Even if you’re an introvert, step out of your comfort zone and take that leap of faith.

Mistake #2: Connecting with the Wrong People

My first business failed because I forced myself to work with family and friends who weren’t committed. You can’t make someone share your dedication and commitment. Find people who are as hungry and determined as you are. With the right team, consistency, and time, you will scale your business.

Mistake #3: Letting Life Get the Best of You

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Life happens, and the bills don’t stop. The instinct to survive can overshadow your business goals. I started in the music industry, spending a lot of money and often risking my livelihood. Despite many failures, I maintained my enthusiasm. Not everyone can do this, and it’s easy to get discouraged. Trust in God and keep going; He will open doors you never imagined. This perseverance is essential to overcoming the challenges of balancing survival with business growth.

Mistake #4: Not Doing Your Due Diligence

Starting a business requires a lot of mental and physical effort. You must become addicted to

learning. Study every day because your industry, laws, and technology are constantly changing. Staying ahead of the competition requires continuous education and adaptation.

Mistake #5: Not Seeking a Mentor

Mentors can accelerate your growth and help you avoid common pitfalls. They provide valuable knowledge and resources. Find a great mentor and learn everything you can from them.

Mistake #6: Putting Business Before Family

For parents and spouses, balancing work and family is challenging. I struggled and even went through a divorce because I was obsessed with success. Create a schedule that includes family time and stick to it. Be present for important family events. Work-life harmony is crucial for long-term success.

Mistake #7: Doing Everything Out of Pocket

If I calculated all the money I’ve spent on my entrepreneurial journey, it would be a staggering amount. Many people don’t take the time to research funding opportunities. Leverage your credit to obtain business credit. Explore business grants, government contracts, business loans, and private investors. These resources can provide the financial support you need to grow your business.

Here are some resources to help you:

  • SBA Loans and Grants
  • Grants.gov
  • Business Credit Building Programs
  • Angel Investors Network
  • Government Contracts

These are the seven mistakes I made. Avoid them, and I guarantee you’ll see growth in your business. Stay dedicated, keep learning, and always push forward.

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Written by Nicholas Campbell Copywriter Salary

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Nicholas Campbell

