7 Reasons Why You Need To Learn How to Build an Email List For Your Business

Nicholas Gregory Campbell
Copywriter Salary
Published in
6 min readJul 8, 2024
How to build an Email List For Your Business


You would be stupefied when you realize how much money you’re leaving on the table by not getting your customers into an email list. No other marketing channel is more reliable than your email marketing. Think of an email list as a market you own that consists of people interested in your product or service now or later. This market helps you get your products or services in the face of people who matter to your business.

You’ve been wondering how this works and how you would possibly get hundreds, or thousands, or tens of thousands of people into this “sure” pipeline to drive traffic, sales, or both. Not to worry, in this article, you’ll be learning why it’s crucial to build an email list for your business to enhance traffic and sales.

But first, let’s quickly learn a little about traffic.

What is Online Traffic?

Online traffic is the number of people who visit a website within a given time. However online traffic has gone beyond getting people to visit your website alone. I define it as the number of people you influence to take a desired action.

You probably already know how beneficial this can be for your business. More people means more sales. But not everybody is your target audience.

Also, there are forces beyond your control when it comes to social media traffic. Sometimes the algorithm isn’t in your favor even if you have millions of followers. Therefore you can’t completely depend on them to grow your business and income.

That brings us to the 3 types of traffic.

  1. Traffic you can’t control
  2. Traffic you can control
  3. Traffic you own

Traffic you can’t control:

  • According to Russell Brunson, the co-founder of Click Funnels and author of DotCom Secrets, traffic you can’t control – as the word already implies – are ones you do not have influence or control over. An example of such traffic is the number of people you get from ads. You’re not in control of the number of people who enter your funnel from an ad.

Traffic you can control:

This is the kind of traffic you can influence and have control over. An example is your social media followers. To an extent, you can influence these people’s actions as you desire. However, reach can be a highly limiting factor; something you wouldn’t have to deal with if you had traffic of your own.

Traffic you own:

This is the best form of traffic. It’s a kind of traffic you can completely own. You can send a sales letter to this audience and rest assured they all will receive it. If you fulfill the factors that make up a great newsletter, you’ll make more sales than both of the traffic above.

This is the category email marketing falls into. And with your target audience in your email list, you can sell over and over again without any hindrance. Especially if you keep developing relevant products that solve their problem.

Now let’s talk about why it’s important to build your email list.

Why it’s Important to learn How to Build an Email List

  1. Larger reach:
  2. There are about 3.9 billion email users in the world. Having an email list of targeted people guarantees huge ROI for your business depending on what type of content you’re putting out. Getting visibility is the first step towards conversion and email is your best bet.

2. High conversion rate: Unlike social media where you have to depend on the algorithm for reach, emails are instant and your audience will invariably receive your content. This spells more opportunities to make more sales and scale your income than other marketing models available.

3. Highly personalized: Email is home for lots of users. So any piece they receive on their email is highly valued. Also, it gives you the option to be a little less formal, and friendlier, which in turn gives your audience a feeling of inclusivity.

Readers feel important with your email specifically delivered to them. It feels personal for them, especially if your emails call out their names at intervals.

It gives off a cozy, warm, and friendly feel, which could lead to higher response rate as compared with your other marketing channel.

4. Builds trust and loyalty: People trust a business they’ve known for a long time, which takes them one step further up the ladder of buying from you. Having an email list of your customers and educating them (sometimes, selling) on your products and how beneficial it helps build trust.

When this has been achieved over a period of time, it graduates to loyalty. This is when not only do your customers trust you, but would also go all out for you.

5. Cost-effective: With an email list, you don’t have to spend budgets on campaigns to reach your target audience. Investing in an email marketing tool for a few dollars and setting up your professional email will do the magic. Email marketing is one of the cheapest yet effective forms of marketing.

6. Driving traffic to your website: Having an email list enables you to direct traffic to your website or anywhere else you want to. This can significantly increase the number of website visits you get on a weekly or monthly basis.

In addition, there’s no ceiling to how many people you can have in your email list hence, opportunities for your business are boundless.

7. Convenient marketing: Think of email marketing as one of the most convenient means of marketing. No lengthy blog posts, no struggling with social media reach, no ads, just click and boom!

The audience is already there, and there’s a good chance at least 90% will receive your newsletter in their inbox if you do it the right way.

How to Avoid Ending Up in Spam

How to Build an Email List For Your Business

Emails that are not professional or work email have a higher rate of landing in the Spam folder. This reduces the reach of your email marketing campaigns to your customers. You’re better off getting a domain work email. Free emails like Gmail don’t make it to your customers’ inbox 70% of the time if you have a large email contact or are looking to build one.

It doesn’t cost much to set up a professional email. There are various email domain service providers and each one has a unique fee attached. You should consider getting a work email rather than using your Gmail or other free email service provider for your email marketing purposes to help you reach a larger audience.

The next question on your lips right now is how do I build an email list?

There are better, more reliable, and trusted ways to get an email list than using scraping tools, which is considered illegal, by the way.

Getting the email address of someone on the internet is illegal enough. Sending them sales letters or any other material they didn’t bargain for will make things worse.

Therefore, in my next article, I will be highlighting the steps to building an email list for your business to build trust, drive traffic, and make sales.


There’s no better time to key into the booming email marketing strategy to level up your brand trust, loyalty, traffic, and ultimately, sales for your business.

If everything else goes wrong, your email list can never go wrong. Rather, it’s a list you can grow over time as you continue to earn the trust of your customers.

Written by Usman Salami from Copywriter Salary

Sarah Peterson | Content & Email Marketing Jeanne Shankles • Email Marketing & Newsletters M. Shannon Hernandez | Email Marketing Strategist

