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Freelance Copywriters: Don’t Charge an Hourly Rate, Do This Instead

Is your pricing strategy building the business you want?

Nick Nolan
5 min readApr 13, 2022


Pricing is one of the biggest challenges new freelancers face.

You want to get paid what you’re worth. But you also don’t want your prices to scare away potential customers.

Setting your prices high enough for you to avoid artist starvation, and affordable enough to land clients that match your experience level is no easy task.

Everyone will come to you with unique needs.

Some people will come to you asking for Facebook ad copy. And other people need you to write an email welcome series. The next client needs you to write a sales landing page, and write 3 different social ads.

What should you do?

Well, you have a few options. In my time as a freelancer, I’ve tried just about every pricing strategy. And I’ve found that some are much better than others.

I will never charge people by the hour

I’ve done this before, and will never do it again.

There are a number of issues with an hourly pricing strategy.

1. Employees are paid by the hour



Nick Nolan
Copywriter’s Handbook

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media