How To Analyze Winning Sales Copy

so you can write your own

Nick Nolan
Copywriter’s Handbook


Image via Unsplash+ | @gettyimages

One of the best ways to learn a skill is to watch and learn.

You watch an expert do something, and try to mimic their actions. We’re not good the first time, but the more we watch, learn, and practice, the better we become.

Language experts will tell you that learning the a language is more than memorizing grammar formulas and vocabulary. The fastest and best way to learn is immersion — listening to other people speak the language, and trying your best to communicate back.

This strategy is used to teach other skills.

You want to learn to play the keyboard? You can buy a practice keyboard that lights up the keys when you need to press them. Pretty quickly, your hands and mind have a feel for playing popular songs.

Sales copy is a different language.

Copywork (copying successful ads) is how you immerse yourself into it and learn the new language quickly.

Becoming a great copywriter is more than copying other ads. You need to understand why the ads work. Just like you’d need to learn the different notes on the keyboard and when to use each of them.

Copying and memorizing is just the start. That’s why some copywriters say that practicing copywork…



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