Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I Started a Publication to Help You Learn Copywriting

Nick Nolan
Copywriter’s Handbook


I started learning about copywriting in 2020. I came across some popular copywriters on LinkedIn and wanted to learn more.

Copywriting seemed like an important skill — especially since I wanted to grow my freelancing business. I quickly realized how little I knew about copywriting and how important it was to getting more paying customers.

I also started realizing that the general public doesn’t know what copywriting is.

When you tell people that you’re a copywriter, they’ll give you a funny look, or assume that you’re a copyright lawyer with a ⓒ stamp in your back pocket.

If you have a business or want to sell something, copywriting is one of the most valuable skills you can learn. It’s also one of the most neglected skills.

Because most people can write, and use Grammarly to avoid silly mistakes, they assume their words are good enough.

Writing is sort of like riding a bike.

95% of people can ride a bike without falling over or crashing.

But there’s a big difference between riding your bike down the street and competing in the Tour de France. It’s still a bike with two wheels, but there’s a massive gap in the rider’s skill and experience.



Nick Nolan
Copywriter’s Handbook

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media