How to Make Your Stories Compelling With One Simple Technique

The “conflict triangle” will help you write gripping plots and weave powerful themes into your stories

Nicole Bianchi
Copywriting Secrets


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Are you having trouble ratcheting up the tension in a story so your readers don’t lose interest after the first several pages?

Or maybe you’re struggling to give your protagonist a convincing character arc where her personality transforms over the course of your story so readers care about what happens to her?

Or perhaps you’re trying to weave a message into your story, but you don’t want it to sound preachy or unconvincing?

In today’s article, I’m going to show you how to solve all those problems with a storytelling technique called “the conflict triangle”.

This technique isn’t just for fiction writers. If you’re a nonfiction writer who wants to tell better stories in your ads or articles, this technique can help you too.

Prefer watching to reading? Watch the video version of this article (with bonus examples):



Nicole Bianchi
Copywriting Secrets

Writer, Copywriter, Storyteller. Get my newsletter for exclusive articles & resources on how to craft compelling words: