How to Powerfully Describe Emotions in Writing

Three strategies from famous writers that will help you connect with readers

Nicole Bianchi
Copywriting Secrets


You’ve probably heard the writing rule “show, don’t tell” a thousand times. It’s especially important to follow when you’re trying to vividly describe the emotions of a character in a story or your own emotions in a blog post.

Don’t just tell your reader that you or your character was angry or sad or exhausted. Those words keep your reader at arm’s length and don’t allow them to become fully immersed in the story and truly understand what your characters are feeling.

Instead, you want to show your readers these emotions so your readers experience them as well, and you touch their hearts with your words.

In today’s blog post, I’m sharing three strategies that will help you powerfully evoke emotions so that your writing resonates with readers. We’ll look at these strategies in action in the writing of F. Scott Fitzgerald, J. R. R. Tolkien, and more.

Let’s dive in.

(This is a blog post version of a YouTube video I made that you can watch below if you prefer watching to reading). :)



Nicole Bianchi
Copywriting Secrets

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