#1 CBD Digital Marketing Strategy

Fitness with Animal💪✍
Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2019

The CBD Industry is one of the most difficult industries to market to online.

The Regulations coming from the two biggest online ad platforms (Google & Facebook) are pretty intense.

I make my living writing Copy for the Fitness, Supplement & CBD niches. Trust me when when I tell you, writing for the Fitness & Supplement niches is a “cake walk”…

…compared to navigating the do’s, don’ts or just plain “never ever’s” of the CBD Digital Marketing world.

If you want to keep your Advertising Costs Low, and continue to Sell your CBD Products for years to come…

It’s imperative you Build, Nurture & Grow your very own CBD Email List.

According to Forbes, the CBD Industry is projected to grow to $20 Billion by 2024.

Inc. Magazine has it pegged at approximately $22 Billion, around the same year. Either way, the amount of money to be made in the future with CBD is HUGE!

Having an solid CBD Email List ensures you’ll be a part of that $20-$22 Billion.

You’ll always have a Loyal & Sustainable base of Customers who’ll BUY your CBD products…for as long as you Nurture your List.

I’ll be writing more about How To Effectively Nurture an Email List…so stay tuned!

Full disclosure, Advertising on Facebook & Google are still options. They’re just extremely difficult and could be financially dangerous too.

When you run CBD or any CBD-related Ads on Facebook or Google. You run the risk of getting locked out of your Ad Account, and quite possibly your entire Social Media Account…with zero warning!

You can’t run a “traditional CBD” digital marketing campaign on Facebook & Google.

That means you’ll LOSE all of the contacts and money you put into building up your Social Media Brand & Presence.

You can’t run a “traditional CBD” digital marketing campaign on Facebook & Google. At least not like you would, if you were selling a gym membership or a bottle of Omega-3’s.

There are ways to use these two HUGE ad platforms, but only if you’re using them as a long-term strategy. And that long-term strategy is to Grow Your CBD Email List.

What’s an Email List?

It’s simply a list of people who’ve given you their Email Addresses.

The Emails should be stored with a reputable email service. Specifically a professional software company that specializes in Storing, Segmenting & Delivering Emails.

One of the absolute Best in the Email Marketing Businesses is GetResponse! You can check them out by Clicking HERE.

You need an email provider that allows you to Segment your List, add Webinars and also offers other Digital Marketing Options. GetResponse does ALL of these. I’ll write more about other digital marketing options in future articles.

For now, I highly suggest you use GetResponse & Yes! I personally use this company, so I can vouch for GetResponse.

HOW To Build a CBD Email List?

#1) Existing Customers

You get this by collecting Emails from the POS system you use at your retail location. This is by far the easiest way to build a CBD Email List.

Keep in mind though, this will be the least effective way to get “Engagement” from an Email List. That’s b/c the people on this List didn’t Opt-in. Meaning they didn’t explicitly ask you to email them.

Therefore these Open & Click Through Rates aren’t going to be very good, compared to a Double Opt-in List.

This type of List is essentially a blind Single Opt-in Email List. The subscribers most likely won’t even know they were going to get an email from you.

For this reason, the 1st Email you send to this List MUST have the following…

— > Compelling Offer

— > Incentive for the Reader to Open the Next Email you send them

Keep reading my posts b/c I’ll be giving you Examples of EXACTLY what kind of Offers & Incentives to give this List…in order to get them to Click Through & BUY your stuff.

For now, just know it’s imperative you WIN OVER the person who’s reading the very 1st Email you send this Point of Sale Email List.

Winning them over = Saying YES to your Copy by Clicking Through to your Offer:)

#2) Samples for Emails

When someone comes into your retail store, this is one of the easiest ways to Build your Email List. It’s sad, but every single CBD retail store I’ve visited, does NOT do what I’m about to tell you.

These retail stores are missing out on a HUGE opportunity!!!

The amount of money they forgo in future sales is astronomical! Realistically it’s around 50% — 70% of LOST Future Revenue.

Here’s how to the “Sample for Email” System works…

Every time a brand-new potential customer comes into your store. Offer them a “Sample” of whatever CBD product you choose.

But ONLY give them a Sample…IF they give you a VALID Email Address. It’s critical you verify the Email Address they give you. I’ll tell you how to do this in a second…

Now it’s imperative whoever is speaking with the potential customer, tells them how much they’ll BENEFIT by giving up their email address…

— > 20%-40% OFF Coupons

— > 2 for 1 Sales

— > Access to latest CBD Research

— > Access to Monthly Discounted Products

— > Clearance Sales

I could easily list 100 different Benefits here. The main point here is that the potential customer understands there are REAL Benefits associated with giving up their Email Address.

It’s important to note that I suggest you ONLY do this if you have a legal form available, for the potential customer to sign. Preferably on a portable device like an iPad or something similar.

The legal document doesn’t need to be long and legally exhaustive. This procedure is done to protect the retail store from legal exposure.

But equally important, doing this gives your retail store employees the ability to immediately Validate the Email Address they were given.

They do this by emailing a copy of the legal document to the potential customer, and personally making sure they received it.

All they have to do is ask the potential customer to show them the legal document they were emailed. This verifies that they were given a VALID Email Address.

And then you give them the Sample they requested.

This might seem like quite a few hoops to jump through. But if you’re looking for…

Quality Email Subscribers who’ll consistently BUY from you in the future…

THIS is one of the easiest ways to do it.

There’s a 3rd way to successfully build a CBD Email List. I’ll write about this in a future article…so stay tuned!



Fitness with Animal💪✍

I Write Copy for the Fitness, Supplement & CBD niches. If you need Copy or Copy-Revisions contact me at Brent@FitnessWithAnimal.com