→HOW TO SELL Your Services←

Fitness with Animal💪✍
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2017

>>> Be THE SOLUTION to Someone’s Deepest Pain Point<<<

All of your written (and video) Marketing Materials NEEDS to Show your Target Market that YOU are the SOLUTION to their Deepest Pain/Problem.


Here’s EXACTLY how you do this…

People don’t Buy INTO your training program. In fact, they don’t even buy the “Physical Result” you promise to give them.

ALL of your potential clients simply, and desperately want OUT of the PAIN they’re in…and as soon as humanly possible too!

For example…let’s take a quick look at Sara & Bill.

Sara is a 42 year old married woman, who’s been busy raising 3 kids. She swears that she hasn’t had any time to “take care of herself.”

Unfortunately her devotion to her family and her UNWILLINGNESS to make exercise, and her overall health a priority…

…means that Sara’s gained 2–4 pounds (of fat) every year. For the last 15 years too.

Thankfully she married a good man. Bill has always been a good father and overall, a “pretty good” husband.

I say pretty good, because over the last few years…he’s been spending more and more time, going out with his coworkers.

Specifically he’s been going to at least 4, sometimes 8 Happy Hours a month.

You see Sara has ALWAYS trusted Bill. After 17 years of marriage…she’s never had any reason to not trust him.

Except…the last few months.

Everything changed one sad and painful night, when she saw Bill’s phone sitting on his nightstand.

He had just come home from a happy hour, and he accidentally left his phone on…while he went to the bathroom to shower.

Sara was just going to turn it off, but she accidentally noticed a text message from someone named “Office Bunny.”

It said…

“I had a really good time tonight:) I can’t wait to see you tomorrow! Please wear the that “sexy shirt” from last week. You look sooooo HOT in it!”

Sara’s heart sank…

Sara’s heart sank. She couldn’t believe what she just read.

To make matters worse, she had to think really hard…just to remember the last time her and Bill had sex.

Needless to say…Sara was devastated. Her mind raced to the worst case scenario.

As soon as Bill came back in the room they had a very honest, and thankfully open conversation.

Bill had never cheated on her…but she could sense that he wanted to!

She could tell because of how he acted.

Bill had stopped touching her. He stopped kissing her before he went to work every morning. Their sex life was pretty much non-existent too.

Sara KNEW something had to change!

She wanted that spark back in her marriage. She wanted to be DESIRED by Bill again!

Sara wanted to look HOT and feel SEXY again!

Now this story is 100% fictional. But this stuff really does happen, all over the world…every single day.

As a Fitness Professional, my question to you today is very simple…

What do you think Sara’s DEEPEST Reason & Motivation to “Get in Shape” is now?

Do you think it’s to “look better in a pair of jeans” or “get back to her high school weight”???


Sara wants Bill to look at her, the way he used to…when she was 40 pounds lighter.

Sara will do ANYTHING to win her husband’s Affection back!

This is where Good Copy comes into play…

Sara’s ONLY going to train with you, if she understands that training with you will STOP her from FEELING like she’s losing her marriage…to some bimbo named “Office Bunny.”

ALL of your Marketing material should be written to show Sara that training with YOU is the SOLUTION to the PAIN she’s feeling right now!

Paying YOU is the “Light at the End of the Tunnel” for Sara.

Telling her that “she’ll drop 3 dress sizes” if she trains with you is a total WASTE of time.

Instead tell her…

“Bill will be drooling over her, once she puts that sexy dress on. The one she hasn’t been able to wear for years…because she’s 4 dress sizes too big for it.”

“Bill will be drooling over her, once she puts that sexy dress on. The one she hasn’t been able to wear for years…because she’s 4 dress sizes too big for it.”

There ya have it!

There’s a LOT more to this concept and I’ll be writing more about this and many other COPY TRUTHS…

…so I hope to see you here again soon!

And if you have ANY questions please just comment here, or send me a message and I’ll do what I can to Help!

Thanks so much!



Fitness with Animal💪✍

I Write Copy for the Fitness, Supplement & CBD niches. If you need Copy or Copy-Revisions contact me at Brent@FitnessWithAnimal.com