It’s a David Ogilvy Thang…😎

Fitness with Animal💪✍
Published in
1 min readMay 23, 2017

CopyWriting is about getting people to Take Action…period!

Initially this is done by getting the reader to be “Emotionally Involved” and/or “Emotionally Engaged” enough…

…to take whatever Action the CopyWriter wants them to take.

Unfortunately, the one thing I see missing in a lot of Copy…is the “Informative” aspect of the writing.

As CopyWriters, we first need to Trigger Emotion.

(with words ✍🏻)

Then we need to “Inform” the reader of exactly WHAT our product/service does…

…and exactly HOW it will Solve their Problem/Pain.😊

Duh right!

But I’m constantly surprised at how many advertisements miss BOTH of these points…

— > First you must Move the Prospect Emotionally

— > Then you must Persuade him Intellectually

Those last two lines were paraphrased from “Great Leads” btw.😉

There ya have it folks!

What about David Ogilvy???

I’m glad you asked!

Because this is exactly what good ole David O. had to say about this subject…

“The more informed your Advertising, the more Persuasive it will be.”😎

So next time you’re trying to get your Prospect to Take Action, don’t forget to…

Inform Your Prospect

After you capture their Attention…via an Emotional Response.😊



Fitness with Animal💪✍

I Write Copy for the Fitness, Supplement & CBD niches. If you need Copy or Copy-Revisions contact me at