What is a .TIFF file?

Ulf Emsoy
Coragi ImagePrint
Published in
1 min readJun 6, 2021

TIFF, or the short version TIF, stands for “ Tagged Image File Format “ or “Tagged Image Format”. It is an image format for storing high quality raster graphics images, and it is very popular among graphic artists in the publishing industry.

The format was created by Aldus Corporation which was later acquired by Adobe. The file is capable of holding both lossy JPEG compression and lossless image data. It can also contain vector based graphics data. The format is widely supported in image editing applications. For this very reason it a very popular image format among artists, photographers, and publishing authorities. ImagePrint is a well suited application for handling TIFF images.

How to open TIFF or TIF files with ImagePrint:

  1. Launch Coragi ImagePrint
  2. Choose Insert > Image
  3. Find the TIFF or TIF file you wish to open
  4. Select the file(s)
  5. Edit and save your file

Originally published at https://www.coragi.com on June 6, 2021.

