How to Improve Your Airbnb Listing

Andrew Carlone
Coral Learn
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2015

Many times when people start hosting on Airbnb, they just hop in with having done little to no research on how to properly set up their listing.

These hosts don’t take the time to actually market their place correctly. They write a non-engaging title, post boring pictures, and write a description that sounds like they are selling their home through a realtor.

Guess what…that doesn’t convert into bookings!

Here are a few quick tips you can use right now for your listing:

Airbnb Listing Title

Your Airbnb listing title is considered the tagline of your product. Make sure it has adjectives to describe your space and explains a main feature of your space.

It’s only 35 characters so you need to make it count…use abbreviations like BR for “bedroom” if you must.

For example, say you have a relaxing two bedroom home with a fenced-in private pool.

Bad Title: 2 Br Home with Pool
Good Title: Private, Relaxing 2BR Home w. Pool

Airbnb Thumbnail

Your thumbnail has one job…grab attention in the search results. Make sure you choose a picture that highlights one of your property’s benefits. Maybe a view of the living space or shots of a comfortable bed.

Don’t show a picture of the front of the house…that doesn’t get clicks. Guests want to see the INSIDE…the space where they will actually be spending their time.

Note: The thumbnail will also be at the top of your listing so make sure it is high-resolution.

A few simple tweaks to your Airbnb listing can make a world of difference, so let me help you out.

I compiled a list of best practices and created an ebook that I think you will find helpful. It’s called: The Visual Guide to Listing Your Property on Airbnb. It walks you step by step through listing your property on Airbnb with little tips along the way.

Check out “The Visual Guide to Listing Your Property on Airbnb”:

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This article originally debuted as an email newsletter to our Weekly Digest subscribers on 09/08/2015. If you’d like to receive our weekly newsletter featuring hosting tips, tricks, and resources please subscribe on our home page.

This article was written by Jim Breese. Jim is an Airbnb expert and creator of, a premium source of information to help you become a smarter Airbnb host.

