Coral Swap Liquidity Mining Detailed Explanation

SERO Protocol
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2020

Introduction to Coral Swap Contract

Coral is a strong decentralized digital asset trading network protocol, and it is also the world’s only DEX network protocol based on a zero-knowledge proof privacy protection Turing Complete Smart Contract. CORAL includes a DEX version based on the order book and the Coral Swap contract platform based on the SWAP model. The token of the same name, CORAL, is its platform equity token.

At the same time, CORAL2.0 will support cross-chain and practically high TPS based on a strong distributed blockchain architecture. With the strong financial background and technical capabilities of its founding team, CORAL continues to provide a wealth of financial derivatives based platforms and middleware, and provides convenient and usable basic tools for various digital asset financial products.

At the same time, Coral Swap aims to create the final loop of the closed-loop ecosystem around SERO, inspire the core drivers of community ecosystem, and provide a fair and transparent trading environment and convenient market-making conditions for the ecosystem tokens.

Coral Swap Liquidity Mining Instructions

  1. Calculation of emission per day: Current Emission = 5000*POWER(POWER(0.969,0.00001*DAY), 0.69*DAY (Gonpatz Deflation Curve) DAY= the number of days the contract starts, a total of 20 years, the total amount is 10 million, and the first emission day is 5000;
  2. Liquidity Mining Calculation Rules:
  • Regular settlement once a day, according to the CORAL reward distribution in the past 24 hours;
  • For all accounts that provide liquidity to the liquidity trading pool, the transaction is calculated based on its liquidity share in the trading pool, the actual trading volume of the trading pool in the past 24 hours, and the transaction pool weight bonus. Calculate the percentage of the total trading volume issued by this trading pool in all trading pools during this period, and allocate CORAL rewards to the corresponding liquidity accounts;
  • Liquidity account current reward = Sum(C*T1*P1*G1,C*T2*P2*G2..,C*Tn*Pn*Gn..))


C-Current CORAL Emission
T1-The current share of trading pool 1 in all trading pools
P1-The current share of the account in the trading pool
G1-Trading Pool 1 Weight Coefficient

3. Online Rules of Trading Pool:

  • Anyone can create a new trading pool by initializing the liquidity pool;
  • Accounts that provide liquidity for the new trading pool, based on the transaction handling fee produced by the trading pool (default 2%), when the liquidity is recovered, can obtain the cumulative handling fee dividend pool of the corresponding trading pool;
  • Through the CORAL DAO community governance voting, a new trading pool can be elected to participate in CORAL liquidity mining;
  • CORAL DAO can determine the weight of the new trading pool to participate in the CORAL liquidity mining through decentralization and democracy;
  • The handling fee of the trading pool participating in liquidity mining will enter the CORAL handling fee dividend pool, and no dividend will be paid directly to the account that provides liquidity in the trading pool;

4. Get to Know the Online Trading Pool:



❖ SUSD is a stablecoin based on POFID (a stablecoin tool on SERO, similar to MakerDAO, but with a better liquidation mechanism), which is pledged by 180% of the market value of SERO pegged to USDT [];

❖ PFID is an important DeFi platform in the SERO ecosystem, a privacy protection decentralized chain asset custody, pledge, lending and stable currency management platform;

❖ SEED is the equity governance token of the SERO Ecosystem Laboratory, representing the SERO Ecosystem community governance equity proofs, and is also the priority right to participate in any project issued by the laboratory in the future. For every 100 SERO pledged, you can accumulate 1 SEED and recycle 1 SEED to get 100 SERO;

Official Links

Coral Whitepaper:
Telegram Group:
Telegram Channel:



SERO Protocol

World’s first Zero-Knowledge Proof based Privacy Protection platform for decentralised applications which supports smart contract and uses SuperZK protocol.