Announcing Coral Protocol’s Alpha Launch

Jonathan Gillon
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2018

Coral is excited to announce that after months of heads-down hardcore product production and partnership development, we have launched the Alpha version of our protocol, and are actively integrating with a lucky, closed group of partners.

Neat-o, so what is the Alpha?

Coral’s Alpha graphs every blockchain address interaction on the Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains, and combines known fraud, and known custody data with advanced predictive analytics to assign trust scores to every blockchain address. These trust scores can be accessed via API, or our partner dashboard called ‘The Helm’. Scores are generated wherever crypto transactions are made. These scores enable transactors to evaluate counterparty risk, mitigating fraudulent transactions while simultaneously creating peace of mind for legitimate blockchain transactions.

Cool beans… who are our Alpha partners?

Coral is launching with eight alpha partners: two wallets, three exchanges, a national bank, an asset tokenization platform and a crypto gambling platform. (Not gonna name names here, because we will be doing individual announcements as each of these alpha partners complete the integration!)

Guess my invitation got lost in the mail… so how about the Beta?

Coral’s Beta will include improvements to the trust scores and PoA networks, as well as introduce fraud alerts, which notify our partners of attempted fraudulent activity on their platforms or on addresses in their custody. Our engineers are heads-down building out the Beta right now, and you better believe it’s gonna be badass.

I want in…

Since seats in our Alpha filled up so fast, we’ve already started taking on Beta partners and seats are filling up quickly.

If you think Coral may be beneficial to your platform (probably a “yes” if any crypto transactions happen on your platform) reach out to

And if you haven’t already, join our Telegram and follow us on Twitter.



Jonathan Gillon
Editor for

Create value every day. Cofounder, Founder @ Icarus, MrBreezy, IndisputableLabs, Roost (exit), DropertyTax (exit). Founding Member @DoubleTapVentures.