Corda Top Ten Facts #1: Massively Interoperable

Richard Brown
Published in
1 min readAug 29, 2018

Myth: Corda can’t interoperate with other platforms

With Corda, we set out to build a platform that could support multiple business applications and multiple enterprise tokens all on the same shared network. And thanks to several of Corda’s unique design features — use of the JVM, support for multiple consensus providers on the same network, use of a UTXO-style model — it can interoperate extremely well with other platforms too — both blockchain and traditional.

For example, Corda and Hyperledger interoperability was so straightforward the work was done by a third party without needing any help from R3. Implementing Hash Timelocked Contracts on Corda is trivial. And watch this space for more interoperability demonstrations and announcements in the coming months.

And interoperability with other blockchains is not where it stops: interoperability with existing infrastructures is also required, and this is also an area where Corda excels. Examples include Corda’s uniquely powerful decentralised netting solution for Project Ubin in Singapore, interoperability with syndicated lending systems, we’re working with major global institutions to help influence the incorporation of helpful cryptographic primitives to market infrastructures, and more.

In short, if you’re interested in interoperability (and you should be!) then you should be including Corda in your plans.

