CordaCon 2021 Day 3 Developer Highlights

Dr. Iryna Tsimashenka
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2021

CordaCon 2021 Day 3 Developer Highlights

CordaCon 2021 is an annual conference about Corda. This year it happened between 28–30 September and had many great sessions. In this blog, I summarise technical sessions from Day 3 that I highly recommend you watch.

Highlight #1

CGraph — Reimagining Corda Solutions with Graph Techniques, by Eric McEvoy, a Solutions Engineer at R3. Eric takes you on a journey of using GraphQL in Corda solutions. Eric shows the best way to orchestrate Corda-based solution, and he walks you through two examples. Disclaimer: this feature is not supported by R3 yet.


Highlight #2

Looking Forward: Corda Installers + Applications Networks by Katelyn Baker, Head of Software Engineering at R3, talks about new ways of packaging Cordapps. In the new vision of Corda 5, there is a Corda package, CPK file, which is a building block of a CorDapp, which is at the bottom of the stack. CorDapps are bundle of CPK files, Cordapp is CPB. This makes CorDapps easily downloadable and installable, thanks to Corda Package Installer, CPI. Josh Taylor, Product Manager at R3, walked through Application networks, their advantages, and where Corda is going with interoperability between networks. You will learn about Membership Group Manager, a replacement for CENM.

Want to learn why we built these new packaging ways of CorDapps? Follow the link:

Other talks that are highly recommended are:

Digital Assets: De-centralized Trading of Digital Assets on Corda by Cais Manai, product manager at R3. Cais talked about digital assets life on Corda, including issuance, secondary trading, and how Corda is fast becoming the blockchain of choice regarding CBDC (Central Bank Digital Assets). Watch his presentation and learn what is coming up in the future of digital assets on Corda:

Enjoy learning about Corda!



Dr. Iryna Tsimashenka
Writer for

Developer Evangelist at R3 | PhD in Computing | DLT | Performance Optimisation | Emerging Technologies