CordaCon Day 1 Recap

David Awad
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2021

On September 28th, we kickstarted our annual flagship event CordaCon 2021, which is now its 6th consecutive year. This year we’re in a mixed format, and we have a great panel of speakers, an impressive list of sponsors, and many registered attendees. If you missed CordaCon today or were looking to see a recap of the highlights, look no further! This post will be a quick breakdown of the highlights to check out just in case you missed anything important.

Highlight #1 — The keynote!

R3 CEO David Rutter gave the keynote and welcome address. I would recommend checking it out before looking at the rest of the sessions.


Highlight #2 — R3’s product vision and Roadmap

Our Chief Product Officer, Todd MacDonald, took the time to break down the vision that R3 has for its products in the future. Then John Shaw, our Head of Product Management, lays out exactly how R3 plans to accomplish that vision.

R3’s Product Vision:

R3’s Product Roadmap:

Highlight #3 — Privacy insights!

R3’s Chief Technology Officer Richard Gendal Brown sat down to talk about the future of data privacy and misuse. It’s an excellent opportunity to learn more about why and how new tools are being adopted in the space of trust computing.


Notable Mentions

We had a fascinating session where David Vatchev from our Venture Development team sat down with David Chreng of LeadBlock partners and Alex Barkley of HSBC Ventures on the evolving VC landscape.


Dries Samyn and Nina Kanti walked through the Corda 5 Developer Preview


These were just a few of the many developer highlights from day one — To find out more about the sessions we’re running tomorrow, you can visit I hope to see you there!

Happy coding ~

