Nice to meet – We are Cordage

Raul Troyo
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2019

We believe quality is more than compliance; it’s a mindset. We believe modern quality is a cultural shift. To us, Quality is a new way to deliver more value. Quality has the potential to energize and to realign organizations.

This isn’t a fight against norms, certifications or standards. We know and understand the value of an ISO. But we are also aware of what truly matters: The “Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle”. Quality is about continually improving processes and the delivery of value.

Quality should not be a cost center, but a value driver.

Quality is about People Process and Technology

A comprehensive approach towards quality needs to go beyond processes. On paper, documents and SOPs are perfect. It is when we add people to the mix that we understand value delivery is a human process.

It is people that innovate and transform organizations. People adapt and improve processes. Technology is how humans maximize their impact.

The performance of a quality management system relies on how people are involved, trained and empowered inside an organization. Achieving better outcomes is dependant on how we align all collaborators to organizational strategies and values. A culture of quality and continuous improvement is lived.

Innovation and continuous improvement are the product of social quality management activities. Organizations benefit greatly from practices that promote cooperation, training and learning from managers, employees, and suppliers. Quality is a social process.

What is the role of people in the context of Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation Initiatives?

Our Mision:

We are building the Hub for Quality 4.0. Our mission is to help build a world with safer, more valuable and more reliable products, interactions and services. We are convinced that we can achieve this through quality and technology.

Why are we building Cordage?

Because quality matters:

Defect reduction and prevention can have a big impact on the day to day. When a wiring fault is prevented; there are fewer residential fires. When proper agricultural controls are implemented, E. Colli outbreaks are controlled. When automotive supply chains are traceable, there are fewer fatal accidents.

Continuous Improvement can save lives.

Because quality brings well-being:

As market demands become more strict, quality can play a key role in competitiveness and innovation. Competitive companies can grow and expand. Companies create jobs and improve the well-being of their employees and communities.

Quality is a catalyst for human development.

Because Quality 4.0 needs to be defined:

The last ten years have brought advances in connectivity, mobility, and availability of data. Digital records are no longer enough to support quality initiatives in a world where automation, industrial internet of things and analytics are openly available.

The future of quality needs to be discussed.

We are Cordage. A mission-driven but value agnostic company building the Hub for Quality 4.0. Our mission is to help build a world with safer, more valuable and more reliable products, interactions and services. We are convinced that we can achieve this through quality and technology.

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Raul Troyo

I write about product management, business and SaaS. PdM at